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TED-Ed: animated educational videos for all

Using the Ted app.

(Dean Drobot /

TED’s new recipe for spreading great ideas goes a little something like this: record talented educators sharing their engaging lessons, add animation to give the lessons a visual impact and then make the videos accessible to all on YouTube.
The beautiful finished product is called TED-Ed.
TED-Ed features videos on a wide array of subjects - such as The Power of Simple Words  and How Many Universes are There. All videos are edited by the Ted-Ed team, who tweaks them into gripping and concise clips that are under ten minutes long. The platform also engages with users, allowing anyone to suggest topics, speakers and animators.
The video lessons even take it a step further, offering supplemental materials such as quizzes, discussion questions and extra resources for teachers to use in their classrooms. Teachers can customize - in TED-Ed lingo, "flip this video" - the lesson so it’s tailored to their students' needs.

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