57 Years Apart, a Boy and a Man Share Life Lessons [VIDEO]

Stellar advice from across the generations.

Jan 1, 2016


57 Years Apart, a Boy and a Man Share Life Lessons [VIDEO] | Stellar advice from across the generations.

“What’s the worst thing about being young?” Des asks Shawn. “Well, you get LOTS of homework,” replies Shawn. “What’s the worst thing about being old?” Shawn wonders. Des explains, “Not being able to do things that you could do when you were young.”

In Facts.’ four-minute video, Des and Shawn talk about growing old – despite their 57-year age gap. The two ask each other questions that get increasingly deeper – starting with “do you wish you were old/young?” and ending with the life advice they would give one another.

As the video goes on, Des explains how he regrets he can’t use this imagination as much, and Shawn anticipates changing his children’s diapers. When it comes to imparting life advice, Shawn wisely tells Des to “act normal, don’t be silly, don’t bully lots of people.” Des agrees and advises Shawn to “be yourself, don’t let other people tell you what you should be.”

This video is sure to pull at your heartstrings. Make sure to watch till the very end for the sweetest of hugs!

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