Hand-Drawn Portraits Turn Strangers into Collaborators

Selfless Portraits: bartering creation


Portrait of a man.

(Golubovy / shutterstock.com)

Selfless Portraits, a Facebook app, gives a new meaning to social collaboration that superseded the standard "Like" as a token of appreciation. The idea is simple: you get your portrait drawn in exchange for drawing someone else's drawing. As portraits exchange hands via the intricate network, something else is created: a whole new way of interaction with strangers.
Portraits are paired in random, and once a person is assigned, the participant has 48 hours to complete the drawing and submit it - or the image will be reassigned to someone else. Once you receive your portrait, you can thank the person who drew your picture and do the Facebook dance - share with your friends and even turn it into your profile pic.
Bottom line, Selfless Portraits leverage technology into a form of meaningful interaction between people - which is a real draw. [Source: Selfless Portraits]

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