How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick [INFOGRAPHIC]

A guide to achieving your goals for 2016.

Dec 28, 2015


Once the fun of the holiday season and the buzz of making New Year’s resolutions has died down, do you usually stick to your goals? According to recent research, only 12% of New Year’s resolutions are ultimately achieved. But there is another way! Whether you want to do something good for yourself, the people around you or the planet, this handy infographic will help you define your goals and stick to them - so you can institute positive change in 2016. Happy New Year!

New Year's Resolutions     45% of adult Americans make at least one resolution every year   75% of those resolutions are maintained through the first week  12% ultimately achieve their goals     Most common New Year’s Resolutions:   Get healthy   Find a better job   Enjoy life to the fullest  Spend less and save more  Reduce & recycle     So, how do you make your goals achievable?   Make SMART goals     S → Specific or significant   M → Measurable or meaningful   A → Attainable or action-oriented   R → Relevant or rewarding   T → Time-bound or trackable     For example, you could aim to:   save a realistic amount of money each month   run 10km by the end of the year   give a percentage of your annual salary to charity     Good luck and HAPPY 2016!


Infographic: Yael Shinkar


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