A Lectern, a Megaphone, and a Simple Request [VIDEO]

Improv Everywhere asks the people of New York to "Say Something Nice."

Jan 20, 2015


A Lectern, a Megaphone, and a Simple Request [VIDEO] | Improv Everywhere asks the people of New York to "Say Something Nice."

This happy video is an instant smile-inducer, tapping into positive vibes from pedestrians in a high traffic area of New York City. The creative crew from Improv Everywhere set up a social experiement of sorts, by placing a custom-built wooden lectern with a megaphone holster on Union Square. Attached was a sign that read, “Say Something Nice.” Two "agents" in orange vests installed the structure and vanished, and after that it was up to the people on the street to say "yes" to this simple-yet-powerful request.
The people who stepped up to the proverbial plate were young and old, from all walks of life. There were public, general comments, songs and personal sentiments. The most common niceties uttered into the megaphone were the most simple - “I love you,” “I love New York,” and “Have a great day."
Inspired to say something nice? Share it in the comments below.

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