Wild Mint

At Wild Mint, we are dedicated to providing the best non-toxic and eco-friendly products to help families build a healthier lifestyle and environment. We are continually learning, growing, and making sure we are as up-to-date as possible on research about harmful chemicals, new products, and green practices. We want to make change easier and hope to portray that no matter how big or small the changes you make in your life are, you are making a difference!

Sustainable Cities International

Founded in 1993, Sustainable Cities International is a registered not-for-profit organization based in Vancouver, Canada. Our mission is to co-create with cities around the world, to catalyze action on urban sustainability. We are a think-tank and a do-tank!

Seventh Generation

Seventh Generation is the nation’s leading brand of household and personal care products that help protect human health and the environment.  Established in 1988, the Burlington, Vermont based company remains an independent, privately-held company distributing products to natural food stores, supermarkets, mass merchants, and online retailers across the United States and Canada.

Green Home

We are the original online ecostore, located in San Francisco, California, in the heart of both the environmental and cleantech industries. Since 1999 has played its part as one of the most comprehensive online resources for greening your home and business.
Our company is on a mission to green the world, one person (and one business) at a time. Before Green Home, there was no easy place for people to find environmentally friendly products all under one roof.

Urban Life International

Urban Life International is an independent research training organization with the desire to foment a better understanding and response to the urban challenge.  The urban challenge has been described as the need to transform concrete and steel into communities of health and hope.  The people who live in cities are caught in-between segregation and integration, diversity and distinction, and density and privacy.  Their quality of life is determined in how they respond to these challenges.

PARK(ing) Day

PARK(ing) Day is a annual open-source global event where citizens, artists and activists collaborate to temporarily transform metered parking spaces into “PARK(ing)” spaces: temporary public places. The project began in 2005 when Rebar, a San Francisco art and design studio, converted a single metered parking space into a temporary public park in downtown San Francisco. Since 2005, PARK(ing) Day has evolved into a global movement, with organizations and individuals (operating independently of Rebar but following an established set of guidelines) creating new forms of temporary public space in urban contexts around the world.


Alfrea, an e-commerce sharing platform, fosters local sustainable agriculture in three ways. First, we help people find space to grow their own food. Second, we offer support services to save time and improve organic growing results. Third, we provide a market for small-scale locally grown food.

Mindful Momma

Hi! My name is Micaela and I’m a work-from-home Mom living in Minneapolis, MN with my husband and our two boys. I started this blog (way back in 2006!) as a way to help me make sense of all the confusing and sometimes scary information about green and healthy living that I was confronted with as a parent. It was part creative outlet and part educational platform….both with a steep learning curve!

Bicycle Library

The Bicycle Library - A mobile library advocating bicycles in the city. There is a full library with books, magazines, bicycle art, and film screenings. Additionally, a bicycle match making service in which you can browse or ask onboard Librarian for suggestions. Take a bicycle out as you would a book. (Deposit Required) 7 types of bicycles offered.


Care2 provides powerful tools to make a difference in your life, your community, and the world. Our website is driven by passionate people (like you) who want to restore the world's balance. We pride ourselves on being a different kind of company. As a certified B Corporation (B Corp), we're committed to using the power of business to make a positive social and earth-friendly impact on the world.


The core ideal which we believe at HarvestGeek is that the economics of large-scale industrial agriculture is not a sustainable proposition thus the need for efficient, tested and reproducible methods of small-scale food production. We'd like to see communities producing the bulk of their own food. The benefits to this we believe are many.
By empowering the local food movement, communities will benefit from new employment opportunities, money spent on food will stay in the community, fossil fuel use due to food transportation will drop off sharply, impoverished areas access to (healthy) food will increase, and we will be seeding a new generation with an appreciation for food, their health, and their connection to the Earth.

Garden Collage

Garden Collage is a online lifestyle magazine that curates stories about the aesthetic value of gardens, environmental innovation, plant-based beauty products, the farm-to-table movement, travel, and other fresh takes on the enduring appeal of gardening in our modern world. The magazine explores the ever-changing role of the contemporary garden with their mission to bring the garden into people's lives.


Ecouterre is a website devoted to the future of sustainable fashion design. We’re dedicated to showcasing and supporting designers who not only contemplate cut, form, and drape, but also a garment’s social and environmental impact, from the cultivation of its fibers to its use and disposal. Our ethos: To follow the evolution of the apparel industry toward a more environmentally sound future, as well as facilitate a conversation about why sustainable fashion matters.

The Urban Homestead Project

Surrounded by urban sprawl and just a short distance from a freeway, the Urban Homestead project is a family operated and highly productive city farm. It is also a successful, real-life working model for sustainable agriculture and eco living in urban areas. 


Ecofriend is for those who do not consider environment a separate entity; rather feel themselves an integral part of it. The idea behind Ecofriend is simple: to inform and educate consumers who love to possess the latest gadgets and products available in the market and who are also concerned about the environment around them. The main focus of Ecofriend is to highlight latest green technologies, lifestyle trends and help combat global warming among a host of other environmental problems.