Umba Box

We scour the handmade community to find the freshest handmade goods from a wide variety of categories including home goods, women's accessories, jewelry, stationery, and bath products. We package our collections and send subscribers delightful collection of handmade goods. Umba Box offers month-to-month and 3, 6, or 12 month prepaid subscriptions beginning at just $23/month that give subscribers a gift that can be shared or used to spoil themselves.

Give Something Back

Give Something Back is here to make the experience of buying office supplies for your business a whole lot more fun and personal while keeping prices competitive. Thanks to the company's unique giving model, profits go to hard-working nonprofit organizations who share in the Give Something Back mission to improve local communities and help the environment thrive


A buycott is the opposite of a boycott. Buycott helps you to organize your everyday consumer spending so that it reflects your principles.

Global Goods Partners

Global Goods Partners is a nonprofit organization that sells handmade, fair trade products in order to improve the economic status of women in marginalized communities around the world. We work with nearly 40 artisan groups which collectively employ over 3,000 women in close to 20 countries. Our online store offers socially-conscious consumers a direct connection to artisan partners that are changing women’s lives by helping them to build sustainable livelihoods.

Cambio Market

Cambio Market is an online boutique for handmade and ethically sourced products. The market sells jewelry made from upcycled T-shirts, vegan hair accessories to help animal species at risk, and many more ethical products. Every purchase supports social enterprise partners and gives back to a social cause. 


Gidsy is a marketplace for authentic experiences. Besides booking fun stuff to do, the site allows anyone host activities. Think unique walking tours guided by locals, nature hikes with wild cavemen and exclusive pop-up restaurants hosted by top chefs.

Good Gifts

The Good Gifts Catalogue was born 11 years ago, a refreshing alternative to conventional unwanted presents.
We were guided by 2 commitments: first, that every Good Gift was always wanted. And second when you buy a Good Gift, your money buys the actual gift.
Over 11 years, our commitments have never wavered. In fact, we’re delighted, that more and more people choose Good Gifts in order to target their charitable giving with more accuracy.

Wild Mint

At Wild Mint, we are dedicated to providing the best non-toxic and eco-friendly products to help families build a healthier lifestyle and environment. We are continually learning, growing, and making sure we are as up-to-date as possible on research about harmful chemicals, new products, and green practices. We want to make change easier and hope to portray that no matter how big or small the changes you make in your life are, you are making a difference!

World of Good by eBay is the world’s largest multi-seller marketplace for socially and environmentally responsible shopping, featuring tens of thousands of stylish and unique products from around the world. More than simply a place to buy and sell, brings unprecedented trust and transparency to a shopping experience where every purchase makes a positive impact

The Root Collective

The Root Collective is a socially-conscious, ethical fashion company that works with small-scale artisans and cooperatives in developing countries. We work to ensure fair pay and ethical treatment of workers in rural and urban slum communities. We also partner with nonprofits in our 10% Give Back program. We believe that a hand up, not a hand out, can change lives and break the cycle of poverty that plagues many of the communities in developing countries. To this end, we parter with nonprofit organizations that work directly in the communities where our partner artisans live.


Krrb is a safe place to buy, sell, trade and give to your neighbors — locally and in-person. Krrb puts you at the center of your stomping grounds and displays all that you and your neighbors have to offer.


When you join Socialvest, a percentage of everything you buy goes directly into to your Socialvest account. From there, you can donate your Socialvest giving dollars to causes that matter to you the most. And with hundreds of retailers including Amazon, Target, Nordstrom and Best Buy (just to name a few) and 1.5 million causes to give to, making a difference has never been easier.
You're going to spend money anyways, so why not purchase on purpose, right? We're big believers that small change can make a big impact, so sign up for a free Socialvest account and begin making a difference through your everyday purchases.

Philanthropy Fashion and Compassion

Philanthropy opened in June of 2007 with the belief that a business built around charitable works and grounded in Christ could make a difference in the world.


Keeping kids healthy and safe is serious business. That’s why we’re in it! Founded in 2009, ecomom is a trusted team of parents, ecommerce veterans and sustainable business professionals. By joining forces with our network of ecomom experts, we provide products we use ourselves, relevant information and non-stop inspiration. 


Sovo was founded with the vision of revolutionizing the way people shop online, and making a significant difference in the lives of those in need. For each dress purchase, Sovo provides 21 meals + 14 snacks + 7 glasses of milk to an orphaned child - an entire week of healthy meals.