(Photo courtesy of We Are the 15 Percent)
Fifteen percent of new marriages in the US are interracial - according to a 2008 census. Yet representations of interracial families still stir surprise. A beautiful Tumblr blog voices support for interracial families and brings them to the limelight.
We Are the 15 Percent showcases a crowd-sourced collection of photos of mixed couples and families, captioned with names and locations. Inspired by this popular Cheerios ad - that features a gorgeous daughter of a white mother and African American father - Michael David Murphy and Alyson West created their Tumblr blog, by way of pointing out that while 15 percent of new marriages in the US are interracial, "it still feels rare to see something like the Cheerios ad represented in mainstream culture." The couple sees the site as a simple yet effective way to correct the imbalance of public opinion.
The Cheerios ad in question was met with mixed reactions when it was aired in May this year. Among praise for its nonchalant approach to interracial families, this gorgeous video shows interviews with a series of children who can’t understand what all the fuss is about.
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