7 Medicinal Plants You Can Find in Your Backyard

Nature has an abundance of healing herbs that our ancestors have used for thousands of years.

medicinal plants you can find in your yard.

(Chamille White / Shutterstock.com)

Today, doctors use scientific approaches to discover ways of preventing and treating illnesses. But back in ancient times, people lived among nature and started experimenting with plants. In fact, many modern drugs still rely on traditional treatments passed down centuries ago. Heal yourself naturally with these medicinal plants right in your backyard.

Willow Tree Bark

You could call willow bark “nature’s painkiller”. Recognizable for their long draping branches that sweep to the ground, willow trees have been used as a medicine for over 3,500 years, according to a study published in The British Journal of Haematology. Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians used willow bark as an analgesic to relieve pain and an antipyretic to reduce fever. Later scientists discovered and isolated the bark’s active ingredient, salicin, now used in aspirin to block processes of pain and inflammation in the body.

Bark from the willow tree is one of the medicinal plants.

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Junipers are evergreen trees and shrubbery that grow throughout the Northern Hemisphere, in tropical Africa, east to Pakistan and China, and in the mountains of Central America. But did you know this familiar, fragrant tree also treats a tummy ache? Juniper leaves and berries aid with digestive disorders and provide an anti-inflammatory, urinary antiseptic, diuretic, and in the treatment of bronchitis as a steam inhalant, according to a study featured in Heliyon.

Juniper is one of the medicinal plants.

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St. John’s Wort

Don’t confuse “wort” with the common skin condition (wort not wart). Traditionally, the word wort referred to healing plants. In this case, St. John’s Wort got its name from the biblical John the Baptist because it blooms around his birthday. 

People have used St. John’s Wort for its healing properties for centuries. Considered the Father of western Medicine, Hippocrates mentioned the plant in his texts from Ancient Greece, as described according to Hippocratic Recipes. Today, according to the Mayo Clinic, doctors prescribe St. John’s Wort to treat mild depression, mood disorders, and insomnia.

St John’s wort is one of the medicinal herbs.

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When you visit Provence in southern France, you will find purple rows of flowers that stretch to the horizon. The aromatic plant makes a stunning addition to any garden but also provides medicine that can grow right in your backyard. Lavender oil provides an antiseptic to heal wounds and anti-inflammatory, which heals minor burns and bug bites, according to Medical News Today. Research has also found that the scent and extracts from lavender help with anxiety and to sleep better.

Lavender is one of the beautiful medicinal plants.

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Although most people may think of them as weeds, this yellow flower has a long list of medicinal benefits. Bioactive components in dandelion help treat Type-2 diabetes, according to a study in the Journal of the Society for Biomedical Diabetes Research. The nutritious plant is also chock full of vitamins and antioxidants.

Dandelions is a medicinal plant. .

(Kasabutskaya Nataliya / Shutterstock.com)

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm originates from south-central Europe. Today, the herb grows across the world, including in Iran, Central Asia, and North America. If you get a bug bite, try rubbing this citrusy smelling herb on your skin. Lemon balm contains chemicals that ease inflammation and reduce the risk of infection, according to a study published in Hindawi

Lemon balm is a healing herb.

(Melica / Shutterstock.com)

Slippery Elm

Native Americans used the slippery elm for its medicinal properties long before Europeans arrived and followed suit. Traditionally, the bark treated inflammation, colds, ulcers, and digestive illnesses. Pharmacies continue to sell slippery elm as an herbal supplement. It naturally heals with sore throats, urinary tract infection, and irritable bowel syndrome, according to WebMD.

Slippery elm trees are a healthy medicinal plant.

(Andriy Blokhin / Shutterstock.com)