What if Martin Luther King Jr. Was Alive Today?

ADL's centennial year [VIDEO]

Mar 28, 2013


What if Martin Luther King Jr. Was Alive Today? | ADL's centennial year [VIDEO]

The Anti-Defamation League, otherwise known as the ADL, has been tirelessly working for the past 100 years to fight anti-semitism, bigotry and other acts of injustice that threaten democratic ideals and human rights. In this moving video for their campaign Imagine a World Without Hate™, the ADL asks us to a picture what the world would be like if there was more acceptance and less discrimination. If this resonates with you, add your voice and take the pledge to Imagine a World Without Hate™.

Human Dignity Caught in Documentaries
Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Giving Voice to Indigenous People