10 Feel-Good Affirmations for Kids

Boost children’s self-esteem with inspirational positive affirmations from Goodnet to color.

Mar 29, 2022

Affirmations are like little gems of positivity in action, or little acts of love and kindness towards ourselves. Afterall, we can all use some empowering motivation to believe in ourselves and keep going through life's challenges.

This is especially true with children and youth who don’t have the emotional intelligence to weather challenges. The past couple of years have felt like an obstacle course for so many kids, everywhere: interrupted learning, family financial hardship, understandable fears about the virus itself. Affirmations can also be a powerful tool for kids struggling to manage emotions, according to Mightier. This motivated Goodnet to design affirmations especially for kids.

Affirmations are awesome at nurturing wellbeing in childhood. This is because, as much as children need their parents to love, encourage and support them, they also need the tools to be able to create these empowering positive emotions of self-belief within themselves. This will help them cope with more challenging situations and develop the personal growth skills that will stay with them through their lives.

To help children – and adults too – live more positively, download these 10 inspirational affirmations in both full color and in black and white versions to color in. Do some mindful coloring and see the world in technicolor!

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