The Website that Turns You into Dickens

On Share a Story, everyone’s a storyteller

What's Your Story?

(Ivelin Radkov /

Share a Story, a platform for storytelling and story-sharing, makes is a treasure trove of inspiring stories for readers. Even more importantly, it gives a voice for those willing to open up and invite others into their lives.
The stories on the website tackle a variety of human experiences, and are browsable by categories that range from Blessing and Regret to Self Discovery and Inspiration. Meticulously tweaked by the website's contributing editors, the stories currently posted are poignantly written with impact and resonance - some are heart wrenching, others are full of hope.  
Aiming "to paint a raw picture of humanity today," Share a Story is on the lookout for contributors - drop them a line if you'd like to take part in this project. [Source: Share a Story]

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