5 Hacks to Get You Exercising

These tips may help you become active again!


Health, Wellness
Doing crunches at the gym.

(antoniodiaz / Shutterstock.com)

Everyone knows that exercise is great for body, mind, and mood. It is sometimes hard to get to the gym, and if motivation is low, there are simple ways to get you moving.

Do not despair, you are not alone! Some 50 percent of people who join gyms in January cancel their memberships within six months, reported MSN, and 40 percent of these people quit by the month’s end.

Here are five ways to get you back to the exercise club. These tips will keep you active, interested in your workout, and healthy!

Use a motivating playlist

Everyone has favorite tunes that make them move. Choose a playlist of uplifting songs that get you dancing and sail you through a hard workout, according to Bustle.  And save this playlist exclusively for the gym.

If you like to learn new things, pick an interesting podcast. And if you like books, choose an audible book that is a page turner. If you want to hear how the plot unfolds, you will have to go back to the gym!

Get moving to the music.

(PeopleImages.com - Yuri A / Shutterstock.com)

Make it social

It is easier to work out when you are with a group of people who are doing the same exercises. Be in Zumba, yoga, Pilates, or a spinning class, join the crowd. This may inspire you to keep up with the others and even push yourself a wee bit harder.

Or, make yourself a workout buddy, suggests MSN. When you plan to meet a friend for exercise, you are creating accountability as you will not want to let your friend down. You are also transforming what seems to be a chore into a social occasion and may even have fun doing it!

Try a Zumba class at your gym.

(LightField Studios / Shutterstock.com)

Use the ten-minute rule

Yes, you can trick yourself into exercising! Tell yourself that you are going to the gym for a quick ten-minute workout. This could be one fast circuit of the weight room or some pushups and stretches.

Once you are there, you may feel that it is not so hard to do another circuit. Besides, that Zumba class is starting in five minutes and you are already at the gym...! If you do go home after ten minutes, a few pushups are always better than no pushups.

Do a short workout to keep fit.

(22Images Studio / Shutterstock.com)

Schedule it

As you would never consider skipping out on a business meeting, treat exercise like a board meeting with yourself, suggests Bustle. This entails writing it down in your calendar and making sure nothing interferes between you and your important meeting at the gym. Plan ahead. When the day comes, set an alarm as a reminder.

Make time for exercise into your busy schedule.

(NicoElNino  / shutterstock.com)

Make a reward system

After you finish a workout, take a few minutes to enjoy that good feeling, recommends the Mayo Clinic. Appreciate the fact that your body needs this and savor the uplifting mood you are experiencing. Remembering this feeling will help get you out the door the next time.

If you need a more external reward, promise yourself a new workout T-shirt or shoes after you reach a predetermined exercise goal. Or, go for a healthy smoothie, and as you sit and sip, pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

Drinking a smoothie after exercising.

(Mangostar / Shutterstock.com)