Germany’s Inspiring Welcoming Committees For Syrian Refugees

Heartwarming videos from Europe.

Special Collections: CONNECTING HEARTS


Berlin, Germany , September 16, 2015: Graffiti with the political slogan

Inspiring grafitti in Berlin, Germany (hanohiki /

News from Germany has warmed headlines from an otherwise frosty topic in recent months, with inspiring photos and videos of locals welcoming Syrian refugees arriving in Europe in search of a safe haven. Around the country - especially in large cities like Munich and Berlin - refugees were welcomed by large cheering crowds, food, and donations of warm clothing. Among efforts from neighboring countries, Germany has been a staunch supporter of the refugee cause, promising to allow all who arrive in the country to remain.
Outside of the main cities, residents are welcoming Syrians by cheering, waving, and offering flowers. 

#Danke_Deutschland الالمان يستقبلون السورين بالورود شكرا من القلب لكل الشعب الالماني والحكومة المانية التي فتحت ابوابها بالابتاسامة والورود والمحبة بعكس كثير من دول العربية وشكرا من القلب للشعب الالمانيDie Deutschen begrüßen das syrische Volk mit Blumen. Dafür danken wir dem deutschen Volk und der Regierung von ganzem Herzen, dass sie ihre Türen für uns öffnen im Gegensatz zu den arabischen Ländern.

While these glimpses of interactions between Europeans and Syrian refugees only tell a small part of a story that centers around a decade-long civil war, they shine a light on the human spark that ties all people together - regardless of race, color or creed. 
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