Lending a Helping Hand to Neighbors in Need Has Never Been so Easy

Using technology to give the homeless a much needed voice

Neighbor helping neighbor.

(Barabasa / Shutterstock.com)

Helping the homeless and neighbors in need can be a tricky business, especially when you don't necessarily know the people you are giving money to and on what they may spend it. Tech startup HandUp is bridging this gap with a smart system that connects at risk people with those in the community that want to help.
The San Francisco-based startup has partnered with some well-respected homeless organizations to provide a direct giving system that benefits all involved. The people who need help all receive their own member profile, which contains a short biography and explains what they are looking for. Through pictures and personal often moving stories, HandUp gives people a unique opportunity to get to know the homeless in their area and learn a little something about how they ended up on the streets.
Residents looking to help their fellow neighbors can then donate directly via text messages and web donations to specific members who build up credits to purchase the goods and services that they are missing.

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