Mimi Hearing Test

The Mimi Hearing Test, which is ranked #1 hearing test in the app store provides a full overview of one's hearing age and profile for free. 

Let's Move!

Let’s Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched by the First Lady, dedicated to solving the problem of obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams. Combining comprehensive strategies with common sense, Let’s Move! is about putting children on the path to a healthy future during their earliest months and years. Giving parents helpful information and fostering environments that support healthy choices. Providing healthier foods in our schools. Ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food. And, helping children become more physically active.

Men's Health

The men's guide to fitness, sex, women, workouts, weight loss, health, nutrition and muscle building from the world's largest men's magazine

Smile Squared

During a humanitarian trip to Central America, the founders of Smile Squared saw how much dental health impacts a child's life. Kids across the globe lack the necessary dental hygiene to maintain quality health and self-esteem. In hopes of giving every child the opportunity for clean, healthy teeth, Smile Squared was born. Our “Buy One, Give One” philosophy ensures the purchase you make has a direct impact on the world. Anytime you buy a Smile Squared toothbrush, we’ll send one to a child in need. Together, we can take a small step for big change.

US Environmental Protection Agency

EPA's mission is to protect human health and the environment. EPA's Strategic Plan identifies the measurable environmental and human health outcomes the public can expect from EPA and describes how we intend to achieve those results. Learn more about the Strategic Plan.

Hope Phones

We created the Hope Phones campaign in 2009 as an innovative way to fund the global efforts of Medic Mobile, our parent organization that advances healthcare in 11 countries with mobile technology. Half a million cell phones are discarded in the United States every day and pollute the environment with tons of plastic and persistent toxins like lead, nickel, beryllium, and cadmium. Cell phone recycling through Hope Phones reduces hazardous waste in our communities responsibly, while providing a real public health benefit abroad.
If Hope Phones can recycle just 1% of disposed phones each year, we can outfit 1 million health workers, improving the lives of 50 million people. 

Everyday Health is a leading provider of online health information. We're here to help you manage your own and your family's conditions and overall well-being through personalized advice, tools, and communities. We're committed to bringing you the most credible and relevant health information available online, and to giving you the best possible user experience. Our information is easy to understand and incorporate into your life every day. - Help for Seniors with Addiction

RehabNet is a non-profit organization with a mission to educate and provide assistance to seniors struggling addiction as well as caregivers and family members with concerns. Its primary objective is to effectively halt the growing silent epidemic of senior addiction.

Help Remedies

Everybody in the drug aisle likes to talk about more, bigger, extra, super, and maximum. But we’re not going to talk about that. We think people get enough drugs, dyes, and nonsense from other kinds of drug companies. Help® is a new type of drug company—a drug company that promises you less.

Global Health Media Project

Global Health Media Project was founded to put practical, life-saving knowledge into the hands of healers at the point of care. Our mission is to produce and distribute high-quality clinical videos that are tailored to the learning needs and low-resource realities of health providers in poor countries.  The videos will be free and disseminated broadly.


Our aim is to make wellness inclusive and fun through original articles, tips, news, and interviews. Through MindBodyGreen we hope to give you the tools to make your life better and healthier or inspire you to keep doing the awesome things that you are already doing.
We write about things that we think are great. You cannot pay to write for MindBodyGreen or pay to be featured on MindBodyGreen.

Burning Nights

Burning Nights is a charity which aims to promote awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and to provide a support network for people living with this chronic condition. The organisation was founded by CRPS sufferer Victoria Abbott-Fleming, who is passionate about generating awareness of CRPS and supporting others who suffer from the condition.


Easy to use eye care tools for every clinic and health care worker.
With a mobile app and lens adapter we provide an easy to use, affordable and portable system for testing eyes, whether in a clinic or in the comfort of a patient’s home.


Tabtics is a Chrome extension that helps you improve on health & productivity by raising awareness through brief contextual tips. We’re using the Web a lot nowadays and for a lot of people, opening up new tabs is one of the things they do quite often. We should also acknowledge that more and more people have desk jobs and have a difficulty to stay healthy. With Tabtics we want you to get a little heads-up on your health and productivity everytime you open up a new tab. We help you with some tailored health & productivity tips or motivational quotes every time you open up a new tab.

Healthline Crowdfunding

Healthline's crowdfunding tool makes medical fundraising easy, enabling users to give help and hope to friends, family and grups they believe in. On the FundRazr-backed platform, users specify a fundraising goal and deadline, then use social media to get the word out. As campaigns progress, campaigners can provide updates to thank existing donors and encourage new ones, all the while feeling good about making a positive difference.