How Stuff Works

From car engines to search engines, from cell phones to stem cells, and thousands of subjects in between, HowStuffWorks has it covered. No topic is too big or too small for our expert editorial staff to unmask ... or for you to understand. In addition to comprehensive articles, our helpful graphics and informative videos walk you through every topic clearly, simply and objectively. Our premise is simple: Demystify the world and do it in a simple, clear-cut way that anyone can understand.

Amnesty International

Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards.


Kiva is the world's first and largest crowdfunding platform for social good. Kiva is a nonprofit organization that aims to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty and expand economic opportunity. Since 2005, Kiva and their growing global community of 950,000 lenders have crowdfunded more than $450 million in microloans to over 1 million entrepreneurs in 65 countries, with a 98.9% repayment rate. Visitors can browse the website to see profiles and stories of borrowers seeking loans for school tuitions and supplies, expanding their business, access to clean/green energy products and more. You can choose someone to lend $25 or more to and when your loan is repaid you can relend to another person or withdraw you money from the system.

Better World Books

Better World Books uses the power of business to change the world. We collect and sell books online to donate books and fund literacy initiatives worldwide. With more than 8 million new and used titles in stock, we’re a self-sustaining, triple-bottom-line company that creates social, economic and environmental value for all our stakeholders.


Our goal at Evernote is to help the world remember everything, communicate effectively and get things done. From saving thoughts and ideas to preserving experiences to working efficiently with others, Evernote’s collection of apps make it easy to stay organized and productive.


SimplyNoise is the best free color noise generator on the Internet, with thousands of new users discovering our site each day! All of our content is crafted by a professional Sound Designer to ensure the highest audio fidelity. The benefits of color noise have been utilized in clinics, schools, households, and offices around the world. Enjoy the benefits and features many expensive sound machines can't match


PaperKarma allows you to take photos of the junk mail you wish to stop. Snap a photo, and you're done. We automatically contact the Mailer and remove you from their distribution list. PaperKarma can stop most junk mail that is addressed directly to you.

Remember the Milk

Managing tasks is generally not a fun way to spend your time. We created Remember The Milk so that you no longer have to write your to-do lists on sticky notes, whiteboards, random scraps of paper, or the back of your hand. Remember The Milk makes managing tasks an enjoyable experience.


Shoeboxed is the easiest way to digitize and organize your receipts, business cards, bills and other documents. With Shoeboxed, you can mail documents to us and we will scan and organize them into an online account for you. With Shoeboxed Mobile, you can snap pictures of receipts and business cards with your phone and email them in for processing to your account. The paid service and the free online software make organizing important paper documents easy, saving you time and money. 

Al!ve (Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement)

AL!VE serves to enhance and sustain the spirit of volunteering in America by fostering collaboration and networking, promoting professional development, and providing advocacy for leaders in community engagement. AL!VE is the essential professional resource and advocate for those who engage, motivate, and celebrate volunteers and their vital contributions to our society.


Listen to thousands of free workshops from the top Black and Latino social justice leaders in the world.

This American Life

This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 1.8 million listeners. There's a theme to each episode, and a variety of stories on that theme. It's mostly true stories of everyday people, though not always. There's lots more to the show, but it's sort of hard to describe

Free Rice

Not your average online trivia game. Freerice is an online educational game, that allows you to raise 10 grains of rice for every correct answer you choose. So far, it's raised enough to feed over 5 million people. The game is run by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme. Rice up against hunger!


We are a non-profit tech company that specializes in developing free and open source software for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping. We build tools for democratizing information, increasing transparency and lowering the barriers for individuals to share their stories.

Scanner Radio

Listen to police and fire departments from around the world on your phone.
Listen to live audio from over 2,900 police and fire scanners, weather radios, and amateur radio repeaters from around the world (with more being added daily).