80,000 Hours

We aim to be the world’s number one source for advice on pursuing a career that makes a difference in an effective way. We will do this by providing in-depth, evidence-based and personalised advice, and by fostering the growth of a global network of thousands of dedicated and successful people, who are working together to make the world as good a place as it can be.


With Shopnate you can donate to charity just by shopping online. Without spending a single cent more.
We have convinced hundreds of Australian and international retailers to pay a percentage of your purchase just for shopping through Shopnate.
You now have a great excuse to do some online shopping.
You Shop - They Donate - Everyone Smiles

Tuning Happiness

Tuning Happiness is a non-profit Organization that connects talented volunteers to cancer patients to change the way the world tackles cancer. We match up musicians (Tuners) to patients who ask for our services. We provide the instrument of choice and lessons, free of charge. 


Omaze raises money and awareness for charitable initiatives by offering everyone the opportunity to win once in a lifetime experiences that can’t be bought. For a $5 donation, you are automatically entered to win. And whether you win or someone else does, someone’s life is better because of your support.

The Root Collective

The Root Collective is a socially-conscious, ethical fashion company that works with small-scale artisans and cooperatives in developing countries. We work to ensure fair pay and ethical treatment of workers in rural and urban slum communities. We also partner with nonprofits in our 10% Give Back program. We believe that a hand up, not a hand out, can change lives and break the cycle of poverty that plagues many of the communities in developing countries. To this end, we parter with nonprofit organizations that work directly in the communities where our partner artisans live.

Develop Africa

Develop Africa is a 501c3 non-profit organization working to establish meaningful and sustainable development in Africa.  Develop Africa was birthed out of the vision that human resource development is the key to improving nation building capacity in Africa. 
Develop Africa is involved in a range of programs in Africa supporting education, microfinance and small businesses, job skills / leadership development training etc. For instance, we make a difference by providing books, school and teaching supplies, and scholarships. Additionally, we help provide job-related training to youths. We also help businesses by providing training and start-up or growth funds.

Donors Choose is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. Public school teachers from every corner of America post classroom project requests on Requests range from pencils for a poetry writing unit, to violins for a school recital, to microscope slides for a biology class. Then, you can browse project requests and give any amount to the one that inspires you. Once a project reaches its funding goal, we deliver the materials to the school.


We’re not a charity, we’re a group of people committed to helping others. Every week, will highlight a different charity and call on you, those willing and happy to help others, to donate directly to that charity. Don’t feel like donating to one of the featured charities for whatever reason? No problem. Donate to a cause you love.

Comfort Socks

Comfort Socks is a public charity that gives new socks to homeless shelters and non-profits who primarily serve the homeless population all across the United States. Yes, new socks help with the obvious health problems that exist for a homeless person's feet. Our mission is one of Comfort.

Donate a Photo

Donate a Photo is a mobile app from Johnson & Johnson, which donates $1 to a worthy cause for each photo shared. Through Donate a Photo, Johnson & Johnson hopes to raise more awareness for the causes that need help and connect people to nonprofits, helping everyone make an even bigger difference.

Look to the Stars

Look to the Stars is the web's number one source of celebrity charity news and information, covering what the top stars are doing to make a positive difference in the world. The site includes exclusive interviews and a database where fans can learn about their favorite stars' good deeds.

The Joy of Sox

Our mission is simply…to provide socks for the homeless. We started in Philadelphia and are planning to help provide socks for the homeless all across the United States.


feedONE is an initiative of Convoy of Hope and is aimed at combating hunger across the globe. Based on Mother Theresa’s quote “If you can’t feed 100 people then just feed one,” feedONE works to provide nutritious food, clean water, and education to communities in need.

Saving Mothers

Saving Mothers is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to women's health, education and empowerment. Through public health initiatives, we aim to give women and their health care providers the tools they need to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.

Ethioskate Project

Ethioskate uses skateboarding as a tool for empowering youth, to create new opportunities and to be the potential for change. The community includes boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 19 in the Intoto area of Addis Ababa.