
RunKeeper makes tracking your workouts fun, social, and easy to understand so that you can improve the quality of your fitness.


Tabtics is a Chrome extension that helps you improve on health & productivity by raising awareness through brief contextual tips. We’re using the Web a lot nowadays and for a lot of people, opening up new tabs is one of the things they do quite often. We should also acknowledge that more and more people have desk jobs and have a difficulty to stay healthy. With Tabtics we want you to get a little heads-up on your health and productivity everytime you open up a new tab. We help you with some tailored health & productivity tips or motivational quotes every time you open up a new tab.

US Environmental Protection Agency

EPA's mission is to protect human health and the environment. EPA's Strategic Plan identifies the measurable environmental and human health outcomes the public can expect from EPA and describes how we intend to achieve those results. Learn more about the Strategic Plan.

Burning Nights

Burning Nights is a charity which aims to promote awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and to provide a support network for people living with this chronic condition. The organisation was founded by CRPS sufferer Victoria Abbott-Fleming, who is passionate about generating awareness of CRPS and supporting others who suffer from the condition.


Healthnoise is a platform for healthcare professionals and students to communicate with one another and the Internet community. The ultimate goal of Healthnoise is to create an educated patient population, while also introducing knowledgable healthcare professionals to the world.


We campaign vigorously to create a society that promotes and protects good mental health for all - a society where people with experience of mental distress are treated fairly, positively and with respect.

Hope Phones

We created the Hope Phones campaign in 2009 as an innovative way to fund the global efforts of Medic Mobile, our parent organization that advances healthcare in 11 countries with mobile technology. Half a million cell phones are discarded in the United States every day and pollute the environment with tons of plastic and persistent toxins like lead, nickel, beryllium, and cadmium. Cell phone recycling through Hope Phones reduces hazardous waste in our communities responsibly, while providing a real public health benefit abroad.
If Hope Phones can recycle just 1% of disposed phones each year, we can outfit 1 million health workers, improving the lives of 50 million people. 

Kite Patch

Kite Patch provides up to 48 hours of protection from mosquitoes in the form of a small, simple, affordable patch. It uses our patent-pending, non-toxic compounds approved by the U.S. FDA for human consumption. We've designed Kite Patch to be affordable, scalable, and easy to use - for mothers in Mali to hikers in Alaska.


If you're looking for information you can trust about kids and teens that's free of "doctor speak," you've come to the right place. KidsHealth is the most-visited site on the Web for information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years.

Sound Seekers

Sound Seekers is a registered charity dedicated to helping deaf/hearing impaired children in the poorest communities of the developing world. We do this by supporting projects that advance understanding of their needs and improve their access to health services, education, and social support, together with initiatives that enable children to avoid, or overcome, the effects of deafness and ear disease.

Mimi Hearing Test

The Mimi Hearing Test, which is ranked #1 hearing test in the app store provides a full overview of one's hearing age and profile for free. 


Nutrino is the first nutritional coach that uses personal and medical profile, goals and culinary preferences to create healthy dietary plans tailored just for you. Nutrino adapts to you in real-time, continuously improving its recommendations based on your daily routine. 

The Weightless Project

The Weightless Project was launched to fight two parallel causes - obesity on one hand and hunger and malnutrition on the other. By converting calories burned into usable funds using cutting-edge technologies to track activity, the proceeds generated by those losing weight will be used to help those who need the extra pounds to survive. Currently the initiative is partnering with three devices – Jawbone, Fitbit and Basis, and looking to collaborate with other international health and fitness brands. Officially supported by Deepak Chopra, The Deepak Chopra Foundation and Health 2.0, this initiative is on its way to making the world a healthier place.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the United States government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.


WebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information. You can trust that our content is timely and credible.