10 Good Questions with Comfort Socks [Q&A]
Meet Theresa Tese, the founder of Comfort Socks.

Theresa Tese (center) at a UNCW (University fo North Carolina - Wilmington) basketball 'sock tickets' event
In this week’s 10 Good Questions, Comfort Socks founder Theresa Tese talks to Goodnet about how new socks bring comfort to people living in homeless shelters. Along with keeping feet warm, the public charity brings joy to people in need by sending cards of hope from children. As Tese says, “when a homeless receives the socks, their faces light up, but then when they see a card inside written by a child encouraging them, their reaction of joy increases, even to tears.”
1. What is your organization’s mission?
“Comfort the Feet, Comfort the Soul” - that’s our tagline. To provide the comfort of new socks to homeless shelters. Every step taken by the street homeless is a painful one, reminding them of their situation. New socks give a respite from that pain and encourage someone that they are cared about.
2. What makes you guys different from the rest?
We give socks to homeless shelters and non-profits who primarily serve the homeless of America. We ask the shelters to sign an agreement with every sock request that they will not sell or barter our socks. In addition, and to us the most important thing that makes us special, is the compassion in our mission… We also encourage children to get involved and to provide us with cards of hope. We have found over the years that when a homeless person receives the socks, their faces light up, but then when they see a card inside written by a child encouraging them, their reaction of joy increases, even to tears.
3. Offices or open work space?
Our headquarters are in North Carolina, we ship to the shelters and non-profits from that location.
4. What three words describe your organization?
Sock Love

Children from St Andrews Youth Group, who wrapped socks in handkerchiefs with encouraging messages.
5. What inspires you?
Knowing we provide the soft, warm covering over the foot of a hurting person. This simple thing is huge to someone who has had their socks on so long that they are actually afraid to take them off. New socks are the difference between a cold restless night and a peaceful one.
6. What is the best part about your job?
Knowing the person who receives the socks will be smiling big time!
7. Does your team eat lunch together?
Not usually.
8. Facebook or Twitter?
Yes (both), and also Google+.
9. What do you want Goodnet users to know about your organization?
That we understand in today's world, many want to help their fellow man but cannot find an affordable way to do so. A package of socks is doable for most, and is a powerful way to tell someone you care. Every single pair of socks matters, because every single pair of socks touches a life.
10. How can people get involved?
Like our Facebook page, organize a sock drive, spread the word, donate to us.