The Pinterest of Learning

Learnist is a treasure trove of interactive syllabi

Looking for inspiration.

(Alina Bitta /

Avid Pinterest users may have noticed the abundance of teaching and education-oriented content on the website: just enter the keywords "teaching" or "education" and an onslaught of boards are revealed.  Learnist - Pinterest for learning - aims to respond more accurately to the interest of teachers, educators and leaners in an interactive, user-curated platform for learning material.  
Like its archetype, Learnist allows users to create boards. Users can select an action - listen, watch, do and others. The platform is equipped with the "Learn it!" bookmarklet, which enables picking images anywhere on the web and automatically shoots them to your Learnist board.
Founded by Grockit, the social learning company that focuses mainly on prep tests, Learnist currently requires an invite to go active, yet browsing the website is possible with a Facebook sign-in. [Source: Learnist]

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