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Sprouting is easy to do, offers a nutritional boost, and provides crunchy, delicious food. Plus, eating beans, legumes, and seeds that are in their sprouted form is more nutritious than the unsprouted version, according to Healthline.
Fun, fast, and easy to grow, they require very little space, no earth, and no special equipment. Most sprouts grow in a wide-mouthed jar, and as they require indirect light, sprouting is a great way to grow your own fresh food throughout the winter months.
Store your sprouts in the fridge and always rinse with water before using, recommends Delighted Cooking. Here are five easy-to-grow sprouts for your indoor kitchen garden that offer amazing health benefits.
Mung bean sprouts
Mung beans are a popular choice. They may help lower blood pressure and reduce cramps, according to mbghealth. This is because they are one of the rare foods that contain bioavailable potassium.
Mung bean sprouts also contain isoflavones, which is an antioxidant that may reduce cholesterol levels. Many use mung beans for detoxifying as they also contain anti-inflammatory properties.

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Broccoli sprouts
These sprouts may have the highest source of natural sulforaphane, according to betternutrition. This may help extract the carcinogen benzene from the body. Try to eat broccoli sprouts daily by blending them in a smoothie or topping them on a salad.

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Lentil sprouts
In just a few days, those little lentil sprouts increase their level of antioxidant vitamin C threefold, according to betternutrition. Plus, one cup of sprouted lentils offers over 7 grams of protein.

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Chia seed sprouts
Chia seeds are known as an energy food of the ancient Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans, according to Your Indoor Herbs and Garden. They are nutritional powerhouses and sprouting them is an easier way to digest their goodness. This is because sprouting converts the starch into sugars and the proteins into amino acids. Chia sprouts contain vitamins C and A, plus enzymes.
Chia seed sprouts are also a great source of linoleic acid for strengthening hormones and preventing a hardening of blood vessels. They may also lower high blood pressure and cholesterol.
Unlike sprouting most seeds, beans, and legumes, chia seed sprouts do not entail soaking. This is because they become gelatinous when wet. Simply place the seeds on a porous surface in indirect light, and mist them with a spray bottle. They will be ready in about four to seven days.

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Radish sprouts
The most popular radish to sprout is the daikon radish, according to Delighted Cooking. Radish sprouts are peppery as opposed to the rather plain flavor of the other sprouts. They contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, as well as iron, zinc, and calcium.

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