5 Infused Water Ideas to Keep You Hydrated This Summer

Fill your glass with these refreshing water recipes.



(Arina P Habich / Shutterstock.com)

It’s summertime and the temperatures are rising! Now more than ever you have to make sure to stay hydrated, healthy and strong. Water is always your best option for quenching your thirst, but adding some flavor by using fruits, herbs, and spices can make it much easier to get your body all the water it needs. Here are five delicious infused water recipes that will keep you hydrated and refreshed all summer long.

Citrus Bliss  

Drink your water with a zingy and energizing mix of citrus fruits. Try this combination from the Simply Stacie blog that combines orange, lime, and lemon slices. This mixture gives your water a delicious citrusy taste and will add vitamin C, antioxidants, and electrolytes to keep you feeling energized and renewed.

(iravgustin / Shutterstock.com)

Berry Blast  

Create this lovely infusion to enjoy the taste of summer berries. In this recipe from Berryworld you add strawberries, blackberries and blueberries to a jug of water. Let the mixture remain in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. By releasing their flavors, the berries will produce a naturally delicious and colorful mixture. Berries not only boost your water's antioxidant content, but they also give it a lovely, eye-catching tint.

(Goskova Tatiana / Shutterstock.com)

Cucumber Mint  

This refreshing and calming cucumber and mint blend suggested by Good Life Eats will turn your water into a spa-like experience. Cucumber slices and fresh mint leaves should be added to a pitcher of water. You'll have a reviving drink that tastes like a spa resort after letting the flavors mingle for a few hours. While mint gives a touch of renewal and helps with digestion, cucumber is hydrating and rich in vitamins.

(ShotnCut / Shutterstock.com)

Tropical Paradise  

With the help of this recipe from Better Homes and Gardens for exotically infused water, you can escape to a tropical paradise. Slices of pineapple, mango, and a few sprigs of fresh sage should all be combined with water in a pitcher. Let the tastes meld and steep for a few hours. Pineapple and mango offer a dose of vitamins and enzymes that will help with digestion and strengthen your immune system.

(Kikinbull / Shutterstock.com)

Watermelon Refresher  

Use watermelon in your water, the crowning glory of summer fruits, to help beat the heat. Try this mix suggested by Wellnessed, where juicy watermelon chunks are cut up and placed in a jug of water together with lemon, lime and mint. In addition to being hydrating, the watermelon tastes so good that you will be reaching for another glass.

(Svetlana_Belozerova / Shutterstock.com)

Stay hydrated

Adding some flavor and fun to your water is a quick and enjoyable way to stay hydrated and spice up your summer. Experiment with various mixtures, combine your favorite fruits, herbs, and spices, and come up with your own unique infused water recipes. You'll enjoy a tasty and nutritious approach to battling the summer heat while quenching your thirst with these hydrating and nourishing concoctions. So, raise a glass of flavored water to a hydrated and revitalized summer!