5 Myths about Veganism – Debunked

Celebrating World Vegan Day with the facts

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November 1 is World Vegan Day, and here at Goodnet we've decided to celebrate by debunking some common myths, and thus educating ourselves about the growing movement that is veganism. So read on, get in the know, and then maybe even take some time to evaluate the decisions you make about what goes into your body.

MYTH #1: Plant protein is inherently inferior to animal protein
DEBUNKED: Humans have "no greater need for animal proteins than do gorillas or elephants, both of whom have far bigger muscles than we do, yet are plant eaters," says Brenda Davis, co-author of "Becoming Raw." In fact, essential amino acids actually come from plants – not animals – though they do end up in meat. Davis stresses that vegans who eat a variety of legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits and grains as part of a balanced diet will get more than enough protein.

MYTH #2: Vegan diets aren't safe for children
DEBUNKED: Children develop normally on vegan diets – and even have significant health advantages. According to Reed Mangels, who wrote the nutrition section of "Simply Vegan," vegan children often eat more fruits and veggies, and don’t develop a taste for food products (like meat and dairy) which are linked to health problems later in life. Responsible parents just need to look for natural sources of the essential vitamins and minerals, and be aware of the appropriate caloric intake by age.

MYTH: #3: Vegans care more about animals than they do about humans
DEBUNKED: While vegans certainly do care for animals, they are also concerned about many issues that affect humans. Veganism addresses the environmental costs of meat and dairy production, along with heart disease, public health crises tied to obesity, and - as we saw in movies such as “Fast Food Nation” and "Food Inc." - poor conditions in slaughterhouses, where workers suffer more injuries than in any other industry. Did you know - eating vegan one day a week reduces your carbon footprint even more than eating locally sourced food products all week long?

MYTH #4: Being vegan is expensive and inconvenient
DEBUNKED: Switching sauce on your pasta, the topping on your pizza or your order of salad is not difficult at all – and it's often the cheaper option. And that's not to mention all of the delicious ethnic restaurants which are practically based on vegan foods – like Indian, Ethiopian, Thai and Vietnamese. If you need more convincing, check out the practical book "How to Eat Like a Vegetarian Even if You Never Want to Be One” for hundreds of shortcuts and simple solutions.

MYTH #5: Vegan diets are just unhealthy
DEBUNKED: Studies have found that vegans have lower cholesterol, BMI and triglyceride levels than omnivores across the board – check out more details on this awesome infographic created by ethical ocean. Furthermore, the British Journal of Cancer has found vegans to be 45% less likely to develop cancer of the blood, and 12% less like to develop any form of cancer at all.

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