5 Simple and Proven Ways to Beat Fatigue

Fatigue is like being tired on steroids. But you do not have to feel this way.


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We all feel drowsy or sleepy sometimes. Maybe we burned the midnight oil, aren't eating right or perhaps we are coming down with a cold. Fatigue is like being tired - on steroids. But you do not have to feel this way.

When you are fatigued, you have a feeling of extreme tiredness, no energy, and no motivation. If a little extra rest doesn't help, you should check for underlying medical conditions like anemia, infections, fibromyalgia, or even chronic fatigue syndrome. Depression also manifests itself in fatigue, so it best to get this checked out.

Fatigue isn't a normal part of the aging process either, although more of the population who say they are fatigued are seniors. While our bodies do slow down as we age, chronic fatigue symptoms show that something is wrong, according to CNN Health. Getting checked out is the key to living a healthy, active life, both mentally and physically.

The reality is that most cases of fatigue are caused by our own lifestyle choices like a lack of physical exercise, bad eating choices, overweight, and too much caffeine or alcohol. To get rid of fatigue, you have to make some lifestyle changes. Here's five that can help you beat fatigue

1. Get Moving

A lot of fatigue is caused by inactivity. Try bumping it up a notch. You may not feel like running a marathon when you are tired and unenergetic, but physical activity like walking, bicycle riding, or swimming will boost energy levels.

“Exercise has consistently been linked to improved vigor and overall quality of life,” Kerry J. Stewart, professor of medicine and director of clinical and research exercise physiology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine told WebMD. “People who become active have a greater sense of self-confidence. But exercise also improves the working efficiency of your heart, lungs, and muscles. That’s the equivalent of improving the fuel efficiency of a car. It gives you more energy for any kind of activity.”

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2. Watch What You Eat and Drink

Stay hydrated but limit the amount of caffeine, alcohol, and sugary soft drinks. If you need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, reach for snack foods that fight fatigue like nuts (except walnuts), dark chocolate, and pumpkin seeds instead of a cup of coffee.

Eat healthy, especially breakfast, and don't skip meals because that will allow your energy level to go down. Eat a healthy diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat proteins. Eating foods rich in iron because iron deficiency will make you feel fatigued. Eating smaller, more frequent meals could also help you maintain a constant blood sugar level. But make sure you don't overeat.

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3. Get More Sleep    

Fatigue isn't always caused by not getting enough sleep, but improving the duration and quality of your sleep is a good way to stop fatigue in its tracks. Tricks for better sleep include going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (maybe not on weekends when you can catch some extra zzzs). Limit caffeine use, especially in the evening. Find a way to relax before going to bed like breathing exercises or meditation. Eat foods that are known to help you sleep. Avoid taking sleeping aids because they are not a long-term solution.

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4. Keep time with Your Body's Natural Clock

Are you a morning person who wakes up full of energy and rearing to start the day or a night owl? These individual differences in daily energy are caused by our brain structure and genetics. If you are aware of your body's natural rhythms, you can schedule your daily tasks at work and at home for when your energy levels are at their peak.

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5. Reduce the Stress in Your Life

Stress can be really hard on your body. Chronic stress puts you in a fight-or-flight mode that causes you to release cortisol and adrenaline, plus being under constant pressure can lead to burnout and fatigue. If you are feeling exhausted, try lightening the load if you can.

There are also great relaxing activities that you can introduce into your daily routine to reduce stress. Listening to music during your daily commute, reading, spending time with friends, singing, doing yoga, tai chi, or meditation can relax you and help you overcome stress.

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