5 Video Yoga Resources to Help You Go Beyond the Basics

Delve deeper into your practice with these learning resources for yoga.


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Downward facing dog, child’s pose, and warrior are yoga poses you already know. This ancient practice dates back thousands of years, with guiding principles to bring inner peace passed down through the generations. 

Today, you don’t need to travel to an ashram to learn about yogic teachings. Many online resources and classes offer ways to learn from the comfort of your home. When you want to go beyond the basics, discover more about yoga with these learning resources.

Pranayama: Improve Your Breath, Improve Your Life

Yoga has become extremely popular in the west, and you have Eddie Stern in part to thank. Eddie is a yoga teacher, author, and lecturer from New York City, who has taught well-known personalities such as Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mike D, and Lou Reed. His app YOGA365 will help to slowly integrate daily practice through micro-practices, deep breathing, and short meditations.

In this video, Eddie offers an introduction to pranayama, the regulation of the breath through certain techniques. Through conscious breathing, you can better manage health problems, emotional difficulties, and stress. 

Asana: Feel Your Strength Grow

Yoga is more than fitness. It’s a lifestyle. Founded in 1975, Yoga Journal is a lifestyle publication on yoga spanning 28 countries. Their award-winning magazine covers all things yoga, from asana instruction and breathing practices to food and nutrition. 

Online you can check out plenty of free articles, videos, and ebooks an especially great source to look up different poses. In this home practice video, you can cultivate patience and take a break from your day. Enjoy twists, heart openers, and balancing poses as you build strength with these asanas (yogic postures).

Yoga Nidra: Full Body Relaxation

Yoga nidra is an ancient technique that puts your body into a relaxed state of consciousness. It feels something like in between waking and sleeping. The meditation app, Insight Timer offers a library of guided meditation, courses, and podcasts at your fingertips. The free app has countless yoga nidra sessions in many languages, so you can really access that yogic state. In this video, you can melt into complete relaxation with a 30 minute yoga nidra. 

Svadhyaya: Know Oneself

Indian yoga and author of Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy, Saghuru has been teaching yoga since the 1980s. His Isha Foundation has centers all over the world with many resources available online. The official app presents you with podcasts, discussions on spirituality, mystic quotes, and yoga meditation for everlasting calm from within!

In this video, Sadhguru explains the power of yoga, how going inward through your practice, you can realize your true potential.Yoga goes beyond holding handstands and mastering twists. “Yoga means in your experience, everything has become one,” he said. As you deepen your practice, you experience the oneness of existence.

Meditation: Transcend the Self

Deepak Chopra has become something of a celebrity within the spiritual community. Born in India, Chopra studied medicine in India before moving to the United States where he began his career as a doctor. He has written countless books promoting the importance of alternative medicine and spiritual practices in combination with Western approaches. 

In this video, Deepak Chopra joins Russell Brand for an episode of his Under the Skin podcast. You’ll begin by tapping into your present experience, before transcending the self.