5 Ways to Get Excited About Reading Books

How to motivate yourself to read more.


Self Care
You can enjoy reading a book anywhere.

(Manop Boonpeng / Shutterstock.com)

Today, people live in a digital world where information is gained in small pieces. But nothing beats the benefits of opening a book. From gaining knowledge from a self-help book to enjoying a fictional fantasy world, reading books open you up to a world of possibilities.

But, when was the last time you read a book? Iis it difficult for you to find the time to read? Is it challenging to choose reading over listening to or watching something on TV? If you are finding it difficult to go to the library or bookstore instead of going to the cinema or if you prefer to scroll on your phone to cozying up with a paperback,here are five things you can do to get excited about reading books.

Keep a book with you at all times
You know how you look at your phone a lot of times, not necessarily because you need it or particularly want to use it, but simply because it is there? Maybe you can do that with a book as well. The BBC recommends you keep a book with you at all times. That way you can pick it up and read it in between activities, while drinking coffee, in a waiting room, or whenever you can. You can even download a book into your phone, then you will  have it with you at all times!

Find books that genuinely interest you
This may sound like a no brainer but you may have overlooked it. It can be easy to get swept up in the excitement of buying a popular novel or bestseller. But if the bestseller is a self-help book and you only enjoy reading fiction, it’s probably not going to work out so well for you. Perhaps you’ll start it and not finish it or not enjoy it. Picking up a book that aligns with your interests, you are likely to enjoy it, according to. Entrepreneur. So keep your eyes open for books that interest you.

Reading as a social experience
Reading doesn't have to be a lonely experience. In fact, the social aspect is arguably one of the most enjoyable parts of going to cinemas, concerts and consuming other types of non-reading material. Book clubs, according to a blog on the Renaissance website, are a great way to make reading a social experience, which can add levels to the enjoyment you had. Not only do you get to have fun reading the book, you can also get into discussions and passionate conversations about it with other people.

Dedicate a specific time to reading
If reading is important to you and you want to make it a priority, Entrepreneur recommends having a set time for reading. Perhaps you want to keep your nook on the night table and read right before going to sleep, or maybe you want your reading time to be during your lunch break at the office. Whatever the case may be, just like with any other habit, dedicating a set time to reading will help you read more.

Join a reading challenge
If you are the competitive type, this one's for you. Joining a reading challenge can be exactly the motivator you've been looking for when it comes to reading. According to TIME,  there are many reading challenges to choose from, including ones from Barnes and Noble or this Goodreads challenge. Make sure to use the challenge as the motivator and remember to enjoy the process. And of course, the book!

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