5 Ways to Keep Calm for the Holidays

Hacks to help you stay focused and balanced through the season.

Keep calm and carry on this holiday season.

(DGLimages / Shutterstock.com)

The holidays are here and with family gatherings, friend’s parties, work festivities, and last-minute  shopping trips to find the perfect gift, its enough to throw anybody for a loop. While this is the season of joy, it is also the season of added stress, according to mindbodygreen.

Finding a way to get past old disagreements, political divisiveness, and the concern about added expenses over the holidays, can certainly make anyone feel ill at ease. But it doesn’t have to be that way, according to Psychology Today. You can focus on the meaning of the holidays by staying calm and carrying on with these five hacks that will keep you focused and balanced through the season.

Schedule Your Time

The holidays take you out of  your usual routine and that can be stressful for many. The Fitbit blog suggests that you try to keep to your normal schedule as much as possible. Try to get up and have your meals at the regular time even on those days you do not work. This includes making time to exercise as well as down-time for you to indulge in some badly needed self-care. And even if your friends are party animals, make sure that you prioritize your sleep.

Try to stick to a norml schedule.

(Ground Picture / shutterstock.com)

Eat Healthy 

This is the time of year of home-made holiday treats and huge holiday meals but you do not have to overindulge, according to mindbodygreen. Eating healthy fruits and vegetables will keep your body functioning at its best and can also calm you. Some naturally calming foods are leafy greens, berries, almonds, and herbal teas.

Healthy holiday foods.

(zarzamora / Shutterstock.com)

Get a Dose of Nature

Being out in nature is very good for your physical and mental health. But spending time outside is also  a good way to lower stress and invite calm. Make time during this hectic season to get outside after your Christmas feast or  New Year’s brunch and take some time to restore balance and calm in your life.

Getting out in nature will help keep you calm.

(LightField Studios/ Shutterstock.com)

Maintain Gratitude

Since this is the season of giving, it is also the right time to feel grateful for all you have, reported Psychology Today. So even if you did not receive the perfect gift, or if your vegan aunt made tofurky instead of the real deal, there’s still many reasons to count your blessings. Part of feeling gratitude is letting go of your ideas of a perfect holiday and enjoying what you have.

Keep a gratitude journal

(SantoriniLove / Shutterstock.com)

Opt Out

If the holidays are just too stressful or If the idea of one more family gathering or holiday party is too much to bear, remember that you can always opt out. The holidays should be a time of celebration and not a stress trigger. You can spend the day watching Christmas movies, or reading your favorite book. Find what works for you to tap into the holiday spirit without feeling overwhelmed.  

Watching your favorite Christmas movie.

(Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.com)