(Robby Fontanesi / Shutterstock.com)
Nothing beats a good trailer. Whether you're watching it at the cinema, the old school way, or via YouTube on your smartphone – there's something about the drama and suspense of the preview that fills us with hope and excitement. The trailers in this selection – some of which are already out at movie theaters or on DVD – all tug on our heartstrings with that extra special spice of doing good.
PREVIEW: Babies – everybody loves them! And we're guessing everyone will love this stunning documentary, which follows four babies around the world from the moment of birth to taking their first cautious steps.
WE LOVE: How this movie shows the interconnectedness and similarities between the Mongolian, Japanese, Namibian and American babies – despite their vast geographic, economic and social differences.
PREVIEW: In this underground documentary, country farmers and urban farmers discuss efficient ways to produce healthy fresh organic food - in a time where most food is mass-produced by corporations.
WE LOVE: Interviews with sustainable farmer Joel Salatin, who was also featured in the movie Food Inc.
PREVIEW: This ground-breaking film tells the stories of nine extraordinary girls from nine different countries. It focuses on education and the strength of the human spirit – and what these powerful forces can do to change the lives of girls across the world. The stories were written by a slew of celebrated writers, such as Haitian-born Edwidge Danticat and, and are narrated by nine well-known actresses including Meryl Streep and Cate Blanchett.
WE LOVE: The trailer soundtrack - uplifting, girl-power tunes from Birdy and Florence + the Machine.
PREVIEW: Set in Zambia, The Cola Road follows the launch of the first trial of an inspiring, life-saving program called ColaLife, which uses Coca-Cola's crates and distribution know-how to deliver life-saving anti-diarrhea kits to rural areas of Africa.
WE LOVE: The warm welcome that the film received this year – it won Best Director at the Action On Film International Film Festival, along with an honorary mention from NYU's Sidney Gross Memorial Prize for Investigative Journalism.
PREVIEW: This 2013 film sees Ashton Kutcher portraying Steve Jobs as the original innovator, a rebel, and above all, a visionary. The trailer itself offers a glimpse into Jobs' unique character and inspiring story.
WE LOVE: The super-inspiring quote at the end of the preview: "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."
PREVIEW: Happy explores the secrets of happiness and attempts to decipher the code fot the most coveted emotional state for people across the board. The trailer offers a glimpse into the true meaning of happiness via a series of interviews with people all over the world.
WE LOVE: The movement which has sprung up around the movie – check out their smiley website to get involved.