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Have you ever heard of hot yoga? This yoga practice, also known as Bikram yoga, combines the healing benefits of an ancient spiritual practice with heat therapy.
Radiant energy warms the muscles, enabling you to ease into poses without strain, according to Healthline. The intensity of the heat builds resilience as you challenge your body. Find out the impressive benefits of hot yoga and why you should include it in your regular practice.
Could boost bone density
Milk might do the body good, but apparently hot yoga does, too! That’s great news considering that bone mass can decline as we get older, especially for women. Hot yoga could keep your bones healthier, and for longer. Women who practiced hot yoga for a five year period saw increased bone density, particularly in their neck, hips, and lower back. The activity also shows promise in preventing bone-related health issues like osteoporosis.
Helps to increase flexibility
Hot yoga classes typically happen in rooms heated above a normal room temperature, ranging between 80–100°F (26.6–37.7°C), according to Medical News Today. Many classes also increase humidity levels. All that intense heat and humidity combined with movement causes your body to warm up more than your typical yoga class. This loosens your muscles, which enables you to stretch with greater flexibility.
Sweat it out
As you might guess, holding poses in the heat can work up a sweat. And that’s a good thing! According to Prevention, sweating helps eliminate wastes from the body. It also helps balance hormones and metabolism. More sweat can brighten your complexion, too, nourishing your skin from the inside out. Make sure to bring along your water bottle during class to help stay hydrated and replenish your system. Bring a towel to help feel more comfortable and dry off during class.
Helps you relax
Stress affects us all from time to time. Developing healthy habits to take the edge off can help copy through challenging times. If you need a pick-me-up, try hot yoga! It has mood-boosting benefits that help you relax. Class centers on meditation, breathing, and physical exercise; all great ways to combat stress. The intense climate is an added bonus to soothe tension. You’ll walk out of class sweaty and smiling!
Promotes heart health
All that extra heat and humidity means your heart has to work harder to pump blood. And, that builds cardiovascular strength! According to Healthline, the unique combination of heat, breathwork, and movement does wonders for your cardiovascular health, including for a healthy heart, blood pressure, and blood vessels.
Could improve respiratory function
Yoga is all about the breath. So, it comes as no surprise that the practice helps improve lung capacity and respiratory health. That’s especially true when the heat turns up. According to the blog Eat This, Not That, the combination of heat with breathing exercises helps expand your lungs and overall respiratory function.
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