9 Facts That Prove the World Is Becoming a Better Place

Good things are happening all the time, you just have to know where to look.


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If we want access to the latest news, we only have to turn the channel, click the right link, or listen to the headlines from the daily podcast. Although consistently keeping up with global events has always required dedication, nowadays, we only need to tune in to one of many platforms that seamlessly fit into our lives.

While it may seem overwhelming learning of the world’s current state, don't despair because plenty of good is happening all the time. Here are nine positive facts you may have missed.

1. The World is Becoming Fairer

Not only are we 100 times wealthier than we were 200 years ago, but we’ve also become better at evenly distributing that wealth, thanks to factors such as the rise of vertical supply chains, decrease in transportation, and sinking communication costs.

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2. The World is Becoming More Literate

Over the last two centuries, literacy rates over have spread from a group of wealthy elite citizens to a reality where eight out of 10 people can read.

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3. The World is Becoming Healthier

We’re much healthier now than we used to be. In 1800, 40 percent of infants died before reaching the age of five. Now, that number is around 10 percent and declining.

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4. The World's Roads are Becoming Safer

The deaths resulting from vehicular causes is in decline, thanks in part to the use of artificial intelligence which helps drivers stay alert and focused.

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5. The World is Becoming Better for Children

What else is dropping that makes the world a better place? Child Labor. According to the International Labour Office, between 2000 to 2016, we’ve seen a 40 percent decrease in child labor, and the efforts to end the unlawful practices are still ongoing.

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6. The World Has More Free Time

Many workers have more leisure time. Compared to the 19th century, those working in developed countries have better work schedules today.

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7. The World is Becoming Safer

The number of deaths caused by natural disasters nowadays is only 25 percent of what it was 100 years ago.

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8. The World is Getting Smarter

Less than five percent of Americans earned a bachelor’s degree in 1940. In 2015, it reached one-third.

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9. The World is Becoming Freer

In 1850, only seven percent of the world’s population lived in a free society. Now, almost two-thirds of civilians can celebrate and own their rights.

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