9 Habits to Make the Most of 2020

New Year's Resolutions that are easy to keep!


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The new year is just around the corner. And it brings with it a chance to start anew with new opportunities. This is the time to break old habits that are holding you back and start some new positive ones instead.

Many people think that New Year's resolutions have to be grand dramatic gestures like running a marathon when you are a couch potato or losing twenty pounds in a month to fit into your favorite dress for an upcoming wedding. Setting small, realistic goals, is the way to keep resolutions and to make life changes.

It's easier than you think. Here are nine possible habits for you to acquire in 2020 to start you on your journey to a better you. 

Learn Something New

Learning something new keeps our minds active and memories sharp. Always wanted to speak French, or build a better birdhouse? Just do it. Take a course, attend a lecture, watch a YouTube video or webinar and keep learning new things.

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Boost Your Confidence

Our own negative thoughts are what keeps us down. You have to believe in yourself to be able to thrive. So, give yourself pep talks. Tell yourself that you can be successful at (fill in the blank), that you are strong, that you are deserving of love and respect. If you believe in yourself, no one can keep you down.

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Eat Healthier

The better you eat, the better you feel. There are superfoods that everyone should include in their diet. Cook ahead and freeze the rest so you don't grab fast-food for dinner. There are foods that can help you boost your immune system or foods to reduce inflammation from sports injuries or arthritis. Even switching from a burger to a salad when you eat when you eat out will go a long way in making you healthier in 2020.

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Drink More Water

This is the most effective way to feel better. Staying hydrated is very important to your overall health and well-being. Every cell in your body depends on water according to family doctor.org. So, drink eight full glasses of water daily and more in the summer when it is hot or when you are active. Don't like water? Then drink natural fruit juices, herbal teas, and eat fruits that contain a large amount of water. Remember that caffeinated beverages take water out of your system.

(KieferPix / Shutterstock.com)

Keep a Gratitude Journal

Write down one thing you are grateful for every day. Big or small, it doesn't matter. Writing in a journal will keep you focused on the good things in life, the things that make you happy.

(MvanCaspel / Shutterstock.com)

Volunteer in Your Community

Resolve to do more good in 2020. You can volunteer at a soup kitchen once a month, or at a senior center teaching art, or computers or any talent you want to share, walk dogs at an animal shelter or just go play with the puppies. Plan a Good Deeds Day project for March 29, 2020. Volunteering helps your community and helps you too.

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Meditate and Relax

Slow down and reconnect to yourself. Meditation is a great way for training your mind. You can meditate anywhere, inside or outside, even at your desk. There are apps to help you. And you can even meditate if you can't sit still.

(fizkes / Shutterstock.com

Exercise Everyday

Don't plan something so big, like running a marathon, that you cannot complete it. Instead, resolve to do some light exercise every day. Walk your dog, take the stairs instead of the elevator, run in place, do five planks or squats when you wake up, or just dance to music. 

(fizkes / Shutterstock.com

Tell Someone You Love Them

Leave a note in your partners or children's lunch bag. Send a text or WhatsApp to your significant other. Call your mother. Taking time to let the people you love in your life know you care is important for them and for you so make this a habit in 2020.

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