Explore these 5 Benefits of Calcium

Elevate your health with this mighty mineral.


Foods that contain large amounts of calcium.

(Evan Lorne / Shutterstock.com)

Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in supporting strong bones, teeth, and overall health.That’s why you need to prioritize high-calcium foods into your diet to prevent deficiencies. These include dairy products like milk or yogurt, dark leafy greens such as spinach, fatty fish with edible bones, nuts, seeds, and soybeans, just to name a few! Here are five benefits of calcium you won’t want to miss out on!

Could keep your bones strong
Bone health depends heavily on calcium, according to Medical News Today. Your bones require this powerful mineral to stay strong! 

With age comes decreased calcium levels, which can lead to weakened bones that are more prone to fractures and breaks. Your bones slowly lose calcium after age 30. During middle age, bone loss accelerates and can cause weak, fragile bones and fractures. And despite women's greater vulnerability to bone loss, men are also at risk.

To combat this, ensure adequate calcium intake through food sources such as dairy products or supplements. Research from the National Institutes of Health found that adults who take calcium supplements with or without vitamin D have shown an increase in bone mineral density. If you want to reap the benefits of calcium, you need vitamin D to absorb it.

Helps maintain a healthy smile
Calcium strengthens teeth and helps prevent decay from occurring, according to the American Dental Association. You need this mineral to form a strong enamel, which protects your teeth from erosion and cavities. 

By ensuring you consume good levels of calcium throughout your life, you can maintain healthy teeth well into your later years. To protect your teeth, it’s recommended to consume 1,000-2,000 mg of calcium daily. Through your diet, you can easily achieve this. 

Try integrating foods rich in calcium, such as milk and cheese, leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, nuts, legumes, and fish with edible bones, such as sardines, tofu, and fortified cereals. 

Promotes heart health
Calcium also supports healthy heart function, according to Medical News Today. It may help to keep cholesterol levels in check as well as aid in the regulation of blood pressure. Moreover, this mighty mineral helps to keep arteries flexible and resilient, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular conditions. 

Taking a regular supplement may even help to reduce blood pressure. By maintaining adequate amounts of calcium in your diet, you can take proactive steps towards preserving your heart health long-term.

Aids Optimal nerve and muscle function
Muscles and nerves require calcium to function optimally, That’s because calcium aids muscle contractions and encourages nerve communication throughout the body. As part of the neuromuscular system, muscles and nerves work together to move the body and control functions, such as breathing. In other words, without this mineral, you run the risk of muscle cramps and spasms throughout the body. 

Helps with effective blood clotting 
The presence of calcium also aids in the effective clotting of blood..To carry out their functions effectively, some clotting enzymes in the blood need to bind to calcium. Without it, this process wouldn’t take place, and it’s vital for your health and healing. But you may not get enough calcium through diet alone so it is important to take calcium supplements if you are having clotting issues.

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