The Fresh New Online Platform that Celebrates the Superheroes Among Us

Get acquainted with The Mighty

Ordinary people are superheroes.

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If you are a fan of good doing, then it’s high time you become acquainted with the inspirational new kid on the block, The Mighty. The website features stories and videos that highlight people overcoming hardships or facing disease, disorder or disability. Born out of a need to inspire people, Mike Porath came up with The Mighty’s concept, and tapped Megan Griffo, the former editor of Goodnet fave HuffPost Good News, to be at the helm as Editor. The media company’s team is comprised of writers, editors and producers from major news publications and television shows who were drawn to The Mighty’s unique business plan of celebrating the everyday superheroes among us. Their uplifting curated lineup has a layout reminiscent of another good doing heavy hitter Upworthy, and includes such fresh stories like Sean Bogart a triathlete with Down syndrome, ads from a British advocacy group about the best way to approach folks with disabilities, and a heartwarming look into a father’s relationship with his three-year-old autistic son.

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