Impact Nation is Highlighting Israel's Potential to Solve Global Challenges

Entrepreneurs impacting the global stage.

(Dmitry Abezgauz /

Israeli innovation stands at the forefront of addressing global challenges, a belief fervently held by veteran entrepreneur Nicky Newfield. No Camelsreports on how Newfield’s determination to spotlight this potential led to the creation of Impact Nation, a platform dedicated to supporting startups with transformative solutions and ensuring their stories resonate globally.

Impact Nation as a catalyst for change
One of the primary hurdles faced by these burgeoning Israeli companies is the lack of focus on marketing amidst intensive research and development efforts. Newfield notes, "Often, these companies lack a dedicated marketing department or a compelling storytelling approach beyond a corporate video." Impact Nation steps in as a catalyst, aiding these "impact entrepreneurs" in crafting narratives that captivate and inspire.

Central to Impact Nation's strategy is aligning with the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), pinpointing six sectors where Israeli innovation can drive substantial change. These sectors encompass food security, climate resilience, healthcare, water access, gender equality, and economic empowerment. Through rigorous assessment, Newfield's team identifies startups making notable strides in these areas, such as Aleph Farms pioneering cell-based meat production.

Storytelling to show the human side of Israeli tech
Newfield's involvement transcends financial backing; Impact Nation delves deep into the personal journeys behind each innovation, producing compelling videos that resonate with audiences worldwide. Nevia Bio, for instance, leverages AI for early disease detection, a mission fueled by CEO Inbal Zafir-Lavie's poignant experience with loss and her determination to make a difference.

The storytelling approach isn't merely about narrating success stories; it's about forging connections and driving meaningful impact. "We aim to not only promote these startups but also empower them to amplify their voices and reach wider audiences," Newfield emphasizes. Impact Nation provides digital marketing expertise and training, equipping startups with the tools to convey their impact effectively.

Collaborating closely with Guy Lieberman, an adept storyteller and activist, Newfield ensures that the human side of Israeli tech isn't overshadowed by technical prowess. Lieberman's expertise in crafting engaging narratives adds depth and emotion, highlighting the passion driving these innovations.

Through Impact Nation, Newfield isn't just advocating for startups—she's spearheading a movement where innovation meets purpose, where stories ignite action, and where Israeli ingenuity leads the charge toward a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

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