Meet the 6 Dimensions of Wellness

Develop daily habits to feel stronger.

Meditation is one of the dimensions of health and wellness.

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Your greatest wealth is your sense of overall health and wellness. Without it, you have nothing else. Wellness can be defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of illnesses. Instead of just surviving, start thriving. 

Think of your personal wellness as a journey, not a destination. Look for small habits to include in your daily routine that guide you on the path toward wellbeing. Nurture these six dimensions of wellness for a life full of health and joy.

Physical Wellness

Think of your physical health as a pillar to your overall wellness. When you take good care of yourself physically, you’ll show up better in other areas of life. Taking care of your body can better regulate your mood, and your brain will function at its best. That means daily habits like getting enough sleep, living an active lifestyle, stretching your muscles, getting enough sunshine and Vitamin D, staying hydrated, and fueling your body with nutritious foods. 

Take care of your body by living an anctive lifestyle.

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Emotional Wellness

When you have a handle on your emotions, you can better control your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You can cope with life’s challenges, keep problems in perspective, and approach relationships with a healthy outlook.

Emotional wellness doesn’t mean feeling happy all the time. Emotionally healthy people still feel anger, stress, or sadness, they just know how to manage their emotions, whether positive or negative. 

“We are all having emotions all the time. The question is whether you are aware of these emotions and the impact they have on your behavior – and other people,” Margaret Andrews, an instructor of emotional intelligence in leadership said in an interview for the Harvard division of professional development blog.

Managing your emotions is a skill, and just like any skill, you can get better at it with practice. Start by tuning into what you feel. Meditation practices can help cultivate emotional awareness. You can also reach out to others for support, like family, friends, or a therapist, who can give outside perspectives to help process emotions and their triggers. Finally, reading about emotional wellness can help process how you feel in healthy ways.

Meditation helps you handle emotions.

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Intellectual Wellbeing

Intellectual stimulation plays an important part in wellbeing. A study published in Frontier in Psychology links intellectual health with an increased lifespan. For example, older adults who play an instrument enjoy better cognitive function, mood, and overall quality of life.

Keep your mind sharp by reading, learning a foreign language, playing an instrument, or doing puzzles. Find ways to expand your knowledge and express yourself creatively that you enjoy. 

Keep your mind sharp by doing puzzles.

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Spiritual Wellbeing

Spiritual wellness relates to your values, beliefs, and purpose. For some, that might mean practicing an organized religion. Others may define spiritual wellbeing as a personal search for meaning and purpose in life, which may or may not be related to religion.

Regardless of your beliefs, religion and spirituality are good for your health. Research published in ISRN Psychiatry found that cultivating spiritual wellbeing has a positive impact on relationships and self-esteem. The National Alliance on Mental Illness suggests that religion and spirituality help cope with difficult life situations, create a sense of belonging, enhance personal growth, and lead to a more meaningful life.

You can cultivate your personal definition of spiritual wellbeing. That might mean getting more involved in your religion or spiritual community. You can include spirituality in your daily routine through prayer, meditation, or gratitude practices. Look for ways to expand your life, beyond the material, for a greater sense of peace, joy, and contentment.

Spirituality is one of the  dimensions of wellness.

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Social Wellbeing

People are social animals that need connection. Research published in The Journal of Health and Social Behavior found that social relationships have a big impact on health outcomes, improving physical and mental wellbeing.

To develop social wellbeing, make an effort to stay in touch with family and friends. Learn to share your emotions with people and practice active listening. You can also join clubs or volunteer in your community. 

Social wellbeing doesn’t have to mean having thousands of friends on social media. Think quality rather than quantity. Focus on meaningful relationships that nurture healthy communication and mutual support

Social wellbeing is important for your overall health.

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Occupational Wellness

Everyone deserves to earn a living while doing something that makes you happy. Making good use of your skills and talents leads to greater fulfillment and a sense of purpose. 

Alternatively, staying at a job that makes you unhappy can have serious consequences. According to Forbes Magazine, hating your job can lead to poor mental health, illness, sleep deprivation, and decreased motivation. Life's too short to be stuck in the wrong job. If you find yourself exhausted at work or constantly dealing with toxic people, look for an exit strategy.

Occupational wellness doesn’t necessarily mean making the most money. Think of your career as your calling, a way to contribute and pursue your passion. For some, that might mean a service oriented field, like medicine, social work, or leading a nonprofit. For others, that could mean working with your hands as a gardener, mechanic, or artisan. 

Not everyone has to find their life’s calling at the workplace either. Your job might be what pays the bills while you find your purpose outside of the office. Perhaps, you get fulfillment volunteering for your community, through hobbies, or by spending time with your family. 

Work can be fulfilling.

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