Mindfulness For the Masses

A TV project to spread awareness on being aware.

Special Collections: MINDFUL LIVING
Meditating in nature.

(varuna / Shutterstock)

Whether it's using the classic Buddhist Vipassana technique, or the more westernized Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) exercises, a growing community around the world is using mindfulness meditation to improve lives and relationships. To encourage that trend, the team behind Mindful Magazine and the website Mindful.org is raising funds for its next venture – Mindful TV.
The new project aims to leverage the transformative power of mindfulness, and inspire viewers with interviews with leading teachers and authors in the field, meditation courses, reports on the latest scientific findings, and segments on the history of the mindfulness movement in the West.
The initiative is currently running a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo, where donors can give money and get perks like screensavers, postcards and magazine subscriptions – to help spread awareness about the simple practice of being present.

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