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While some people, like kindergarten teachers, have a huge amount of patience, others get annoyed easily. If things like traffic or long lines at the supermarket get to you, don’t worry. Patience is a skill that anyone can develop.
In today's digital world, people are primed for instant gratification, according to The Cleveland Clinic website. That could be why people are no longer attuned to having to wait or work at something. But that’s where being patient comes in, even if you tend to go the other way.
“Some people are naturally able to call upon patience better than others,” clinical psychologist Ramone Ford, PhD. told The Cleveland Clinic. “But it’s kind of like dancing. Everyone can improve with practice.”
There are actually health benefits to being patient, stressed verywell mind. One of the main ones is that it helps to relieve stress. Getting upset over trivial situations is very bad for your mental and physical health. Being patient can help you regulate your emotions and make you mentally stronger and more resilient. Here are four ways that you can train yourself to be more patient.
Be more mindful
Practicing mindfulness in your everyday life can help you become more patient. That’s because mindfulness helps you live in the present moment. This allows you not to get stressed out about some future happening. If you find your mind wandering about the things you have to do while you are waiting for the dentist there are ways you bring yourself back into the present. Take deep breaths to connect to your senses, slow down, and do some relaxation exercises.
You can learn to be more mindful by taking up meditation, tai chi, or yoga. You can also start writing a journal so you are more attuned to your feelings or get out in nature. The key to being mindful is to take the time to use all your senses to explore the world around you, according to The Cleveland Clinic.
Accept the things you cannot control
There are some things that you can control, like a cluttered house and things you cannot, like being stuck in traffic. While the things you can’t control are the ones that are out-of-your-hands, you can work on the ones that are. Set goals to change the things in your life that you can control. Whether it is quitting smoking, exercising more, or spending more time with your partner. As for the traffic jam, turn on some music, listen to a podcast, or find a less stressful way to spend the time.
Actively listen
If you take the time to actively listen to what people are saying to you instead of thinking ahead to your response, you can stay in the present moment. Put away your phone, look at the person you are speaking with, and really focus. This will train you to be a more mindful and patient person.
Become more empathetic
While it is easy to lose patience with other people, especially if they are not doing what your expect them to, like not taking your breakfast order at the diner or when your child refuses to get dressed for school on a day you are already running late. But rather than just thinking how this affects you, stop and consider that these actions aren’t about causing you problems. The waitress may be dealing with a difficult customer and your child might be bullied in school. Being more empathetic will help you on your journey to be a more patient person .
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