
Thanks to our curated community of talented makers, Hatch makes it easy and fun to personalize and customize every product on our site, including jewelry, home decor, and stylish accessories, to make it uniquely yours. Transform any product you see into something you're bound to love.

Built By Kids

Built by Kids is created WITH, BY and FOR children. We celebrate the parents, families, caregivers and educators who value the power of creative development and are nostalgic for a time when weekends were set aside for building a fort or making models.


The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) is the leading organization promoting walkable, mixed-use neighborhood development, sustainable communities and healthier living conditions.

Sustainable Friends

Sustainable Friends is a non-profit space where you can share information, ideas and change making to inspire people committed to environment. It is free to sign up, to add an initiative and to contribute to a initiative.This is possible because contributors offer support, resources or contribute economically directly to the author.

Bamboo Bottle

Finally, there's a clean, safe and stylish bottle that is made from the practically inexhaustible resources of bamboo and glass. Bamboo gives our bottles style and strength. The glass guarantees safe, clean drinking at all temperatures. Whether you're chugging ice-cold water or sipping on steaming-hot tea, this uber-cool bottle is BPA-free, ensuring no chemicals leach into your drink.


Popularise is the online platform that shares the power to build new places in your neighborhood with local residents like you
By joining other people in your area on Popularise, you can create the kind of cool, authentic places you want in your neighborhood. Submit your own ideas, and vote for what to build on projects posted by real estate developers and local business operators.


ammado provides a global donations and engagement platform, one that accepts donations from all around the world – in more than 75 currencies and through all major and many local payment methods. 

LaLa Lunchbox

LaLa Lunchbox is a fun and easy way for kids to plan and pack lunches with their parents. It empowers your kids, teaches them to make smarter food choices and helps them learn about advance planning.
Your kids get to personalize and design their lunchboxes with fun monsters and colors, and then plan their lunches for a whole week at a time. They simply swipe their choices into their lunchbox from a large selection of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and snacks. Along the way, they learn that a balanced lunch includes items from each category. Parents can easily personalize and edit the items available to their kids.



Exhale to Inhale

Founded by a yogi, supported by the yoga community, and guided by professionals with experience working with domestic violence and sexual assualt survivors, Exhale to Inhale strives to empower women who have experienced intimate partner violence and sexual assault to heal and reclaim their lives through the healing and grounding practice of yoga. Exhale to Inhale provides free weekly yoga classes at domestic violence shelters and community centers throughout New York City, the Hudson Valley, Long Island and Connecticut.

Storytellers For Good

Storytellers for Good is a team of passionate journalists and photographers who seek to use their skills to inspire optimism and change. We aim to tell and promote stories of people and organizations making a positive difference.


Enstitute, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is implementing a new low-cost model of higher education. With an apprenticeship-based “Learn by Doing” approach that pairs students with their interests, Enstitute is turning startups and small businesses into classrooms. Enstitute works with the best entrepreneurs and innovators to educate tomorrow’s workforce, revitalize economies, and transform lives through entrepreneurship focused education.


TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences -- the TED Conference and TEDGlobal -- TED includes the award-winning TED Talks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize.

Let it Ripple

Let it Ripple: Mobile Films For Global Change is a new short film series by The Moxie Institute (the team behind the feature film Connected) that provides inspiring, impactful films and media for nonprofits all over the world to use to further their reach and impact. For free.

The Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN)

The Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN) is an international network of buyers dedicated to socially responsible and environmentally sustainable purchasing.

Young Female Entrepreneurs (YFE)

 Young Female Entrepreneurs is an online platform that helps entrepreneurial women in their 20s and 30s to discover new people, brands, and headlines that will help them start and grow their businesses. The YFE mission is to help young women on their path to profitable businesses while building a collective reputation that is philanthropic, successful, multi-faceted, and collaborative.