The Urban Etiquette Project
http://urbanetiquetteproject.blogspot.caThe Urban Etiquette Project is set of downloadable, printable cards designed to start a conversation about manners, civility and public etiquette in the urban sphere. The project offers cards to point out unfavourable behaviour, as well as citations for acknowledging random acts of kindness.
https://neighborland.comOn Neighborland you can share your ideas and insights for your city, support your neighbors’ ideas, and connect with people who share your interests. We are providing residents, neighborhood organizations, economic development groups, and municipalities with a powerfully simple platform to connect and make good things happen.
Chicago Trees Initiative
http://www.chicagotrees.netThe Chicago Trees Initiative is a city-wide, public-private effort to plant, care for and advocate for trees. This means many more trees will be planted in our great city, which is already known for its green urban spaces. And more important, existing trees will have better care – the best strategy for meeting our urban forest canopy goal. Every Chicago resident – and indeed, anyone who cares about trees has an important role to play. The goal invites all of us to be involved in planting and caring for trees on public and private land throughout the city.
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC)
http://www.icic.orgThe Initiative for a Competitive Inner City is a nonprofit research and strategy organization and the leading authority on U.S. inner city economies and the businesses that thrive there. Founded in 1994 by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter, ICIC strengthens inner city economies by providing businesses, governments and investors with the most comprehensive and actionable information in the field about urban market opportunities.
Sustainable Cities International in 1993, Sustainable Cities International is a registered not-for-profit organization based in Vancouver, Canada. Our mission is to co-create with cities around the world, to catalyze action on urban sustainability. We are a think-tank and a do-tank!
City Form Lab City Form Lab at the Singapore University of Technology & Design in collaboration with the School of Architecture & Planning at MIT focuses on empirical studies of urban form. We develop new software tools for researching city form; use cutting-edge spatial analysis and statistics to investigate how the physical pattern of urban infrastructure affects the social, environmental and economic quality of urban environments; and develop creative design and policy solutions for contemporary urban challenges. By bringing together multi-diciplinary urban research expertise and excellence in design, we develop context sensitive and timely insight about the role of urban form in affecting the quality of life in 21st century cities.
MESH Cities
http://www.meshcities.comMESH Cities explores the wireless systems empowered, 21st Century city through the eyes of its super-users. These are the people who are embracing the new communications and infrastructure tools that will determine the ultimate livability of the modern city. The growing ubiquity of high-speed wireless connections allows people to experience the city in ways never before possible. More than that, they can contribute their ideas about how to make our cities more accommodating and responsive .
Partners for Livable Communities for Livable Communities is a national nonprofit organization working to restore and renew the communities we work and live in. Partners has over thirty years of experience in solving community problems by providing information, leadership and guidance that help communities help themselves. We welcome the opportunity to bring our experience to your community.
Urban Life International Life International is an independent research training organization with the desire to foment a better understanding and response to the urban challenge. The urban challenge has been described as the need to transform concrete and steel into communities of health and hope. The people who live in cities are caught in-between segregation and integration, diversity and distinction, and density and privacy. Their quality of life is determined in how they respond to these challenges.
This Big City
http://thisbigcity.netThis Big City is an award winning sustainable cities blog covering innovations in urban design, architecture, culture, technology, transport and the bicycle. Launched in September 2009 by Joe Peach, This Big City now features content from urbanism writers and organisations all over the world, and publishes in English and Chinese.
CNU Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) is the leading organization promoting walkable, mixed-use neighborhood development, sustainable communities and healthier living conditions.
New Urbanism
http://www.newurbanism.orgNEW URBANISM promotes the creation and restoration of diverse, walkable, compact, vibrant, mixed-use communities composed of the same components as conventional development, but assembled in a more integrated fashion, in the form of complete communities.
Cities Alliance Cities Alliance is a global partnership for urban poverty reduction and the promotion of the role of cities in sustainable development.
GOOD Ideas for Cities Ideas for Cities taps creative problem solvers to tackle real urban challenges and present the solutions at live events across the country.
Creative Mornings is a monthly breakfast lecture series for creative types held in major cities internationally. Each event is free of charge, and includes a 20 minute talk, plus coffee!