Fairtrade Towns
http://www.fairtradetowns.orgWelcome to the home of the international Fairtrade Town movement. Communities across the world are working to promote Fairtrade in their area, in order to enable more farmers and workers to get a better deal. In the process many communities are meeting goals to become recognised as a Fairtrade Town. Here, you can find the best resources and top tips from over 890 Fairtrade Town campaigns in different countries.
European Fair Trade Association
http://www.eftafairtrade.orgEFTA (the European Fair Trade Association) is an association of ten Fair Trade importers in nine European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom).
Fair Trade Federation
http://www.fairtradefederation.comThe Fair Trade Federation is the trade association that strengthens and promotes North American organizations fully committed to fair trade. The Federation is part of the global fair trade movement, building equitable and sustainable trading partnerships and creating opportunities to alleviate poverty.
Fair Trade USA"Fair Trade" helps “free trade” work for the poor. Fair Trade USA is the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. We enable you, the consumer, to make a difference with your dollar. We help people and the planet work in tandem so both are healthy and sustained.
Fairtrade International
http://www.fairtrade.netWe are 25 organizations working to secure a better deal for producers. From our headquarters in Bonn, Germany, we set international Fairtrade Standards and support Fairtrade producers.