Share A Story

Share A Story is a social initiative to discover powerful personal stories from around the world because we believe the 'right' story has the power to ignite change. Share a story today!

The Urban Etiquette Project

The Urban Etiquette Project is set of downloadable, printable cards designed to start a conversation about manners, civility and public etiquette in the urban sphere. The project offers cards to point out unfavourable behaviour, as well as citations for acknowledging random acts of kindness.

Africa Yoga Project

The Africa Yoga Project (AYP) organization creates transformation, empowerment and change through the practice of yoga.  We deliver innovative programs that foster peace, improve physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing, facilitate self-sufficiency and create opportunities to learn and contribute across the communities of East Africa. 

Storytellers For Good

Storytellers for Good is a team of passionate journalists and photographers who seek to use their skills to inspire optimism and change. We aim to tell and promote stories of people and organizations making a positive difference.


Purpose creates 21st century movements. We deploy the collective power of millions of citizens and consumers to help solve some of the world’s biggest problems. We develop and launch our own social and consumer movements using our model of movement entrepreneurship, and we work with organizations and progressive companies to help them mobilize large-scale, purposeful action.

Women for Women International

Women for Women International envisions a world where no one is abused, poor, illiterate or marginalized; where members of communities have full and equal participation in the processes that ensure their health, well-being and economic independence; and where everyone has the freedom to define the scope of their life, their future and strive to achieve their full potential.

Rainbow World Fun

Rainbow World Fund is an international humanitarian aid charity based in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and friends community.

United Planet

As an international non-profit organization, United Planet (UP) strives to create a world in which all people understand, respect, and support one another. United Planet's global network of leaders and volunteers fosters cross-cultural understanding and addresses shared challenges to unite the world in a community beyond borders.

Amnesty International

Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards.

Open Culture

Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community.

Do Good

DoGood is a movement that inspires millennials to impact culture through social good and the gospel.  Through stories of renewal, DoGood aims to distribute resources that educate and motivate youth to serve their communities daily.

Random Acts of Kindness

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is the heart of the kindness movement whose aim is to help everyone create a better world by spreading awareness and increasing engagement in kind actions. The website is a platform where media, education, community, social networking and entertainment connect people with inspiration, tools, resources, organizations and a larger support network to help them take action, get involved, harvest and share the benefits of kind actions in their daily lives and society


ONE is a grassroots advocacy and campaigning organization that fights extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa, by raising public awareness and pressuring political leaders to support smart and effective policies and programs that are saving lives, helping to put kids in school and improving futures. Cofounded by Bono and other campaigners, ONE is nonpartisan and works closely with African activists and policy makers.


Idealist connects people, organizations, and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives. Idealist is independent of any government, political ideology, or religious creed. Our work is guided by the common desire of our members and supporters to find practical solutions to social and environmental problems, in a spirit of generosity and mutual respect.

You've probably heard of the Six Degrees concept. Any one person (including me, Kevin Bacon) is connected to any other person through six or fewer relationships, because it's a small world. is about using this idea to accomplish something good. It's social networking with a social conscience.
Through this website, you can support your favorite charities by donating or creating fundraising badges — as well as check out the favorite causes of other people, including celebrities.  You can also pay it forward with Good Cards® - gift cards for charity that can be redeemed as a donation to more than 1 million charities.