http://nikawater.orgThrough the sale of our premium-bottled water, NIKA is delivering on a promise to bring voices to the world’s impoverished who suffer without the basic right to clean water and simple sanitation. By donating 100% of our profits to support clean water projects in areas lacking access to clean water. NIKA is providing the basic tools and critical assistance to help thousands of families improve their lives in a meaningful way and end the cycle of poverty.
Water For People
http://www.waterforpeople.orgWater For People brings together local entrepreneurs, civil society, governments, and communities to establish creative, collaborative solutions that allow people to build and maintain their own reliable safe water systems. Empowering everyone transforms people’s lives by improving health and economic productivity to end the cycle of poverty.
Water is Life
http://waterislife.comThe mission of WATERisLIFE is to provide life giving water solutions. Our goals are to provide both short-term temporary and long-term sustainable water solutions in developing countries.
EthosĀ® Water Fund® Water was created to help raise awareness about this terrible crisis and provide children with access to clean water. Every time you buy a bottle of Ethos® Water, you contribute 5 cents to the Ethos® Water Fund, part of the Starbucks Foundation. So far more than $6 million has been granted to help support water, sanitation and hygiene education programs in water-stressed countries – benefiting more than 420,000 people around the world.
Charity: Water
http://www.charitywater.orgcharity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects. works with local partners to deliver innovative solutions for long-term success. Its microfinance-based WaterCredit Initiative is pioneering sustainable giving in the sector. Co-founded by Matt Damon and Gary White, is a nonprofit organization that has transformed hundreds of communities in Africa, South Asia, and Central America by providing access to safe water and sanitation.