
We are a non-profit tech company that specializes in developing free and open source software for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping. We build tools for democratizing information, increasing transparency and lowering the barriers for individuals to share their stories.

How Stuff Works

From car engines to search engines, from cell phones to stem cells, and thousands of subjects in between, HowStuffWorks has it covered. No topic is too big or too small for our expert editorial staff to unmask ... or for you to understand. In addition to comprehensive articles, our helpful graphics and informative videos walk you through every topic clearly, simply and objectively. Our premise is simple: Demystify the world and do it in a simple, clear-cut way that anyone can understand.

Environmental Defense Fund

Environmental Defense Fund’s mission is to preserve the natural systems on which all life depends. Guided by science and economics, we find practical and lasting solutions to the most serious environmental problems.

Donate a Photo

Donate a Photo is a mobile app from Johnson & Johnson, which donates $1 to a worthy cause for each photo shared. Through Donate a Photo, Johnson & Johnson hopes to raise more awareness for the causes that need help and connect people to nonprofits, helping everyone make an even bigger difference.


Meetup is the world's largest network of local groups. Meetup makes it easy for anyone to organize a local group or find one of the thousands already meeting up face-to-face. More than 2,000 groups get together in local communities each day, each one with the goal of improving themselves or their communities.

Natural Resources Defense Council

NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the grassroots power of 1.3 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals.

Remember the Milk

Managing tasks is generally not a fun way to spend your time. We created Remember The Milk so that you no longer have to write your to-do lists on sticky notes, whiteboards, random scraps of paper, or the back of your hand. Remember The Milk makes managing tasks an enjoyable experience.


ShopWell is a free website and iPhone app that scores foods on how well they meet your unique needs. With easy-to-understand nutrition information and personalized food scores, ShopWell gives you easy tools to find better products for you and your family. We take the work out of reading nutrition labels so that you can focus on buying what you want as quickly as possible. We help you shop smarter so that you can eat better.


SimplyNoise is the best free color noise generator on the Internet, with thousands of new users discovering our site each day! All of our content is crafted by a professional Sound Designer to ensure the highest audio fidelity. The benefits of color noise have been utilized in clinics, schools, households, and offices around the world. Enjoy the benefits and features many expensive sound machines can't match


VolunteerMatch is the Web's largest volunteer engagement network, with more than 80,000 participating nonprofits, 150 network partners and 8 million visitors each year. Founded in 1998, we offer solutions to make it easier for individuals, nonprofits and companies to make a difference. 


ONE is a grassroots advocacy and campaigning organization that fights extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa, by raising public awareness and pressuring political leaders to support smart and effective policies and programs that are saving lives, helping to put kids in school and improving futures. Cofounded by Bono and other campaigners, ONE is nonpartisan and works closely with African activists and policy makers.


Carma’s mission is to change the world for the better, one empty seat at a time. Traffic congestion brings developed cities around the world to a standstill every single rush-hour, but it can all be avoided just by sharing the unused seats in our cars. The Carma Carpooling smartphone app enables people to find others nearby who wish to share their commute. Drivers receive contributions towards their costs, and riders have a comfortable, sociable commute alternative that is, in most cases, cheaper than public transportation.


Mint brings all your financial accounts together online or on your mobile device, automatically categorizes your transactions, lets you set budgets and helps you achieve your savings goals.


Nutrino is the first nutritional coach that uses personal and medical profile, goals and culinary preferences to create healthy dietary plans tailored just for you. Nutrino adapts to you in real-time, continuously improving its recommendations based on your daily routine. 

See Click Fix

SeeClickFix allows anyone to report and track non-emergency issues anywhere in the world via the internet. This empowers citizens, community groups, media organizations and governments to take care of and improve their neighborhoods.