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When people think about eating healthier, it is usually salads that come to mind. But one of the healthiest foods is also one of the most basic. This superfood is yogurt.
Yogurt is a dairy product that is made from fermenting milk or cream with a lactic acid bacterial culture, according to Well+Good. While this doesn’t sound appealing, yogurt tastes better than it sounds and it is incredibly good for you.
While the yogurt aisle in your supermarket is full of different brands and types of yogurt, plain, with fruits like strawberries or blueberries, whipped, drinkable, and even frozen. Yogurt comes with different amounts of fat content too but there are basically three types, regular, Greek, and nondairy substitutes like soy.
Regular yogurt is made from cow's milk – there are some low lactose ones – and contains the most calcium. Greek yogurt is tarter and thicker and contains the most protein but since the liquid whey is removed, it has lower carbs and sugar.
Very Nutritious
Yogurt is a nutrient rich food, according to Healthline. Just one cup provides a whopping 49 percent of calcium, a mineral needed for bone health. It is also high in vitamin B12 and riboflavin and minerals including phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. While yogurt does not contain vitamin D, it is usually fortified with it.

(JeniFoto / Shutterstock.com)
High in Protein
Another important nutrient that your body needs is protein. Regular yogurt contains about 12 grams of protein per serving and Greek yogurt contains 20 grams per serving. Eating enough protein is important for appetite regulation because it increases the production of the hormones that signal when you are full. That’s why yogurt is a perfect pick-me-up snack.

(Dani Vincek / Shutterstock.com)
Promotes Heart Health
The high fat content in yogurt would make it seem like an unhealthy choice but eating low or no-fat yogurt is a very healthy choice. And the saturated fat from milk actually increases the amount of HDL or good cholesterol in your blood. Yogurt can also help reduce blood pressure, which is a major contributor to heart disease.

(vasanty / Shutterstock.com)
Contains Probiotics
Many yogurts contain probiotics which is good for your gut health, according to Medical News Today. In fact, the calcium, protein and live cultures can enhance good gut microbiota. This helps to regulate your digestive system and decrease diarrhea and constipation. Eating yogurt and other foods rich in probiotics could also help to boost your immune system and enhance the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

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Helps Your Bones
The calcium in yogurt is essential for the development and maintenance of your teeth and bones. Eating foods rich in calcium – especially paired with vitamin D – is important to lowering your risk of osteoporosis. But calcium also has some other important functions including wound-healing, blood clotting, and for maintaining a normal blood pressure.

(JPC-PROD / Shutterstock.com)