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Your body needs iron in order for you to be healthy. That’s because iron is a mineral that is absolutely vital for the function of hemoglobin, the protein that is necessary to transport blood and other vital functions, according to MedicalNewsToday. While the recommended daily allowance (RDA) depends on a person’s age and sex, it is important to get enough of this essential mineral.
There are two types of iron that are found in the foods you eat. Heme iron can be found in foods like meat, poultry, and some seafoods, stressed EatingWell, and nonheme that is found in plant-based foods like leafy greens, broccoli, chickpeas, tofu, and lentils. Foods high in vitamin C can help your body better absorb iron. You can also take iron supplements if your iron levels are low.
Besides preventing anemia – a shortage of iron in your blood – there are many other health benefits to getting enough iron in your diet. Check out these five healthy reasons to eat foods rich in iron.
Helps beat fatigue
Getting the proper amount of iron can help boost your energy levels and beat feelings of fatigue. Research about the roll of iron in the human body that was published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences found adding iron from diverse sources could reduce the risk of iron deficiency and help you feel healthier and energized. Athletes need to have an increased intake of iron to help their performance; 1.1–1.5 grams per kilo of body weight.
Aids Cognition
Iron is also important for your brain health and cognitive function, according to EatingWell. If your iron levels are low, it affects your ability to concentrate and could cause deficits in intelligence. Low iron levels could also cause emotional and behavioral changes. Getting your RDA supports your nervous system and keeps your brain healthy.
Helps boost your immune system
The ability to carry oxygen directly to your cells has a direct influence on how well your cells can fight infections. That’s why consuming enough iron is important for having a healthy and fully functional immune system. A review published in Cellular Chemistry found that people who have lower iron levels are more susceptible to illnesses including food poisoning. So boost your iron intake to help boost your immune system.
Healthier pregnancy outcomes
It is essential that pregnant people have a higher iron intake. That’s because blood volume and red blood production increases during pregnancy to supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients causing a need for additional iron intake, stressed MedicalNewsToday. Low iron could increase the risks of low birth weight and premature birth, as well as possible impaired cognitive and behavioral development in infants. Pregnant people are advised to take iron supplements in addition to getting iron from food.
Helps with restless leg syndrome
Iron can also help people who suffer from restless leg syndrome – an uncontrollable urge to move your legs – which causes sleep disruption. An iron deficiency is often the cause of this condition, according to the Mayo Clinic. Increasing your intake of iron through foods or through doctor recommended supplements could help relieve this condition.
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