5 Ways to Practice Self Care That Will Save You Money

Invest in yourself


Woman relaxing in round outdoor bath with tropical flowers. Organic skin care in kawa hot bath in luxury spa resort.

(Alena Ozerova / Shutterstock.com)

Self care means different things to different people, and there are plenty of ways to invest in and look after yourself. These self care activities will leave you refreshed and lighter without spending much money, and they’ll even help you save some cash in the process! Check out these five ways to practice self care that will still allow you to save up.


Although there’s nothing wrong with a busy schedule, it’s great to let your body rest and recharge every now and then. If you can’t take squeeze in a nap, aim to be in bed 30-60 minutes earlier to allow your body to relax. Harvard University found that sleeping eight or more hours a night will lower your risk of developing health issues that are more costly to treat. Getting your sleep will also help you make smarter decisions, especially when it comes to your finances.


Stocking up on healthy ingredients such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, great sources of protein, and good fatty acids will keep your system up and running. It will also save you cash in the long run, as frequently eating out can become expensive, and you won’t always know exactly what you’re putting into your body. For many, the act of cooking is a way to relax and unwind, so go ahead and make that that recipe you’ve been meaning to try for awhile now.


Exercise is one of the best ways to practice self care and you don’t need a gym membership to get your heart rate up. Clear your head while raising your endorphin levels by going for a run, practicing some yoga, or completing a home workout. There are many free workout plans available, so find something you like and take an hour to strengthen your mind and body.


A little organizing does the soul good. Sometimes, a busy schedule can make home upkeep less of a priority. One inexpensive way to invest in yourself is to declutter. Cleaning out your space can re energize you and lift your mood. Donate any items you don’t use, feng shui your room, host a garage sale, or organize your stuff to literally and figuratively clear away the clutter.


Setting goals (especially financial related ones) can increase your motivation and drive. The practice can also help you keep perspective and plan ahead. If your aim is to save money, write down your goal and a few ways you’ll achieve this feat. And as a bonus, your determination and focus could seep into other aspects of your life as well, including taking care of yourself physically and mentally.