The App That Makes Sure You Take Good Care of Yourself

Aloe offers soothing reminders to check-in with yourself


(Preto Perola /

While most apps out there require time spent using them to make them worthwhile, a new app, Aloe, is more about getting users to spend as little time on the app as possible and more time in the real world doing the things that really matter. The self-described “self-care check-in and reminders app that brings essential self-care tasks together in one place” is designed to keep users accountable for taking care of themselves physically, mentally and emotionally.

The app is the brainchild of Femsplain founder Amber Discko who came up with the tool after realizing that she had neglected her basic needs while working tirelessly as a digital strategist for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. In an attempt to make sure she looked after herself better, Discko started an online tool to track her personal self-care journey and then Aloe manifested into an online quiz used to determine which element of wellness to focus on that day. She then took the idea to Kickstarter and has since raised over $50,000 to develop the app, which is set to launch on iOS by Jan. 2018.

While the Aloe is for everyone, Discko developed it as a companion to mental health services  and it is designed for those may not always put self-care high on their list of priorities due to various social and cultural restraints.

Users, otherwise known as ‘Aloe buds’, receive gentle self-care reminders according to their needs and lifestyle intended to make sure simple tasks such as drinking water, brushing their teeth, eating and snacking or taking time off from social media are getting done regularly. As well as reminders, there is also a platform to check-in and mark accomplishments and a ‘reflection space’ where users can answer three simple questions: “How was your day?”, “Who is one person who makes you happy?”, and “What is one thing you’ll do for yourself tomorrow?”

Perhaps the grooviest feature, which is inspired by its namesake plant, is a supportive community garden feature where users can send emoji flowers to each other to show their support.

Until the smartphone app is officially launched people can still use Aloe’s online self-care checklist and follow the Twitter bot Aloe, which sends out positive tweets of encouragement.

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