6 Healing Rituals From Around the World

Traditional wellness rituals can still bring healing today!

Traditional healing ritual objects.

(New Africa / Shutterstock.com)

Every culture has its unique approach to wellbeing. From meditative floral arranging and jade rollers to lomilomi massage, the world has many rituals for spiritual and physical healing passed down through the generations. Discover these six healing rituals from around the world for some global inspiration to your wellness routine.   

Japan: Ikebana

Ikebana is the traditional Japanese art of flower arranging. According to NextAvenue, monks from Kyoto founded the oldest style of this art form known as Ikebana Ikenobo in the 15th century as a type of meditative practice inspired by Buddhism. Ikebana creates a sense of inner peace and healing as you carefully arrange each flower.

Traditional Japanese flower arranging creates inner peace

(buritora / Shutterstock.com)

India: Ayurveda

Ayurveda is considered one of the oldest healing practices in the world. This traditional approach to medicine from India seeks to balance the doshas: Vata, Pitta, or Kapha. To feel your best, consider which dosha is out of balance and activate that dosha with the right treatments, like exercise, nutrition, massage, meditation, and other healing rituals.

Ayurvedic spa massage for wellness.

(Poznyakov / Shutterstock.com)

Peru: Shamanic Healing 

In the highest altitudes of the Andes Mountains, the Q’ero shamans, called Pakkos, have practiced ancient healing for thousands of years. They have passed down their wisdom from generation to generation and still apply their deep knowledge to this day! According to International Spiritual Experience, their rituals use natural medicines like plants and crystals from Pachamama (Mother Earth) to cleanse the energy in your body. Just spending time in nature, around the trees and mountains, also brings healing

A Peruvian shaman healer.

(Yudina_Elena / Shutterstock.com)

Apache: Burden Baskets

Send your cares away with this healing ritual from North America. According to Natural Awakening, the Apache wove small burden baskets. Then they would place physical representations of their worries into the basket. Someone would then take the basket from the room and empty it, a way to release your cares to the universe.

Native American basket.

(Sheryl Pieroni / Shutterstock.com)

Hawaii: Lomilomi

Hawaiians have an ancient healing ritual called lomilomi. According to Zeel, Native Hawaiian spiritual practitioners, called kahunas, use lomilomi for healing in combination with other ritual medicinal techniques. The word lomi means to rub gently. (Hence the name for dishes like lomilomi salmon where the fish is rubbed with spices).This type of massage was brought to Hawaii by Polynesian settlers. It involves long gentle strokes on the body along with prayers and chanting.

A hands on lomilomi massage.

(Microgen / Shutterstock.com)

Thailand: Releasing of Souls

Take a trip to Thailand, and you might notice people releasing animals into the wild, a healing ritual that comes from Buddhism. The tradition usually involves purchasing turtles, fish, eels, and birds from market vendors before releasing them into a nearby stream or canal, according to mindbodygreen. Releasing a soul into the wild is a good deed that brings healing to all!

Woman releasing birds into the wild.

(NEOS1AM / Shutterstock.com)

China: Jade Rolling

Have you ever noticed those paint roller-like devices used on the face and neck? The Washington Post reported that these jade rollers have been a part of wellness routines in China since the 17th century. Today, the trend has made its way around the world, a healing ritual said to massage your face, increase circulation, and brighten the skin.

A jade roller used for a healing facial massage.

(Svittlana / Shutterstock.com)