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Winding down before bed with a gentle yoga session helps relax your mind and ease you into sleep. Calming yoga poses, meditation, and slow breathing help to soothe your nervous system and let your body know that it's almost time to rest. So dim the lights and roll out the mat for these relaxing yoga poses before bed.
Child’s Pose - Balasana
Channel your inner child with this deeply relaxing posture. Kids don’t worry about things like money or schedules, making this a perfect embodiment practice to ease overthinking. According to Healthline, child’s pose also stretches the back and hips while grounding the body.
To enter the child’s pose, begin by kneeling on the floor. Sit back on your heels, spreading your knees apart. Reach your arms forward and rest your forehead on the ground. Focus on long, deep breaths to slow down your heart rate and calm your mind.

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Seated Forward Bend - Paschimottanasana
The forward-bending poses like seated forward bend or child’s pose activate the relaxation response of the nervous system, helping ease stress and overthinking, according to the yoga blog Shvasa. Forward bending also helps release tension in the spine and hamstrings while promoting relaxation.
Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Slowly bend forward, reaching for your toes. If you can’t reach them, place your hands on your shins or use a yoga strap. Allow your head to drop and breathe deeply.

(Narong Khueankaew / Shutterstock.com)
Legs up the Wall - Viparita Karani
This relaxing, supportive pose is a favorite for reducing stress and improving circulation. According to Healthline, the viparita karani pose also helps refresh tired legs after a long day.
Sit sideways next to a wall and gently swing your legs up while lying down. Keep your legs straight and your arms at your sides. Stay in this pose for 5-10 minutes, breathing slowly and allowing the tension to melt away.

(Koldunov / Shutterstock.com)
Reclining Bound Angle Pose - Supta Baddha Konasana
This yoga pose is a gentle way to close the day and slow your thoughts. According to the Yoga Journal, this restorative pose opens the hips and promotes deep relaxation.
To enter the reclining angle pose, begin by laying on your back and bring the soles of your feet together, letting your knees fall open. You can place pillows under your knees for support if needed. Focus on long, calming breaths and allow your body to relax fully. You can use a yoga block to support the neck for even deeper relaxation.

(Koldunov / Shutterstock.com)
Supine Twist - Supta Matsyendrasana
This restorative pose stretches the back muscles and glutes, aligns the spine, detoxifies your body, and supports healthy digestion, according to The Yoga Collective. If you work at a desk all day, this gentle twist works wonders to release tension in your back.
To enter the supine twist, lie on your back and hug one knee into your chest. Slowly lower the knee across your body, keeping your shoulders grounded. Hold for a few breaths and then switch sides.

(bearfotos / Shutterstock.com)
Corpse Pose - Savasana
The corpse pose is the ultimate relaxation pose and the perfect way to end your practice. According to Healthline, this pose helps you enter a meditative state and prepares your body for sleep.
Begin by laying flat on your back with your arms at your sides and palms facing up. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow your body to become heavy and let go of any lingering tension. Stay in this pose for at least five minutes to fully relax before going to sleep.

(RealPeopleStudio / Shutterstock.com)